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Emma Leigh Barker September 2, 2007-March 18, 2009 |
When Emma was first reported missing Stacey Barker claimed she had been attacked and knocked unconscious, when she came to Emma was gone, evidently taken by her attacker(s). Later Barker admitted she had made up the story of the attack and kidnapping, she said Emma had died accidentally and she feared being blamed so she dumped her daughter’s body.
On April 27,2009, Barker was arrested and the charges filed against the young mother include murder, assault on a child causing death and child abuse. The complaint alleges that Barker willfully caused and permitted the child to be injured and harmed and that injury resulted in death. Barker pled not guilty to all counts on August 12, 2009. She has been held at the Century Regional Detention Facility on a one million dollar bond since her arrest.
For more details on this case click here.
There was supposed to be a hearing on Monday, April 12 in the Stacey Barker Murder Case. We had hoped to learn at this hearing if there would be a plea deal or if this case would be going to trial. There was not an actual hearing according to our friends Tori, Ange and TD who attended the “hearing“ and shared what happened in court with katfish….ponders, so that I could share with you. (Thank you friends!)
Public Defender Roberto F. Dager told the court that at 10 am, Stacey Barker was still en-route to the Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse in Lancaster, CA. from the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood. It's a 90 mile drive from the jail to the courthouse, one way. Dager told the court that when Barker arrived he wanted to see her for 5 minutes so she could sign some papers. Superior Court Judge Hayden Zackey set the next court date for Thursday, April 29, 2010.
PD Dager was overheard telling a few of Stacey Barker’s family, who had also came to the courthouse for the hearing, there was no use for them to stay because Stacey wouldn’t be seeing the judge today and after signing papers she would be on the bus right back to LA.
Our friends think it is pretty likely that Stacey Barker is accepting a plea deal and noted that Deputy District Attorney S. Kelly Cromer wasn’t present in the courtroom when this "hearing" took place. Had she and the Public Defender already discussed what needed to be discussed before the “hearing“? Hopefully we will find out more on April 29.…stay tuned.
Update- 4/30/2010
There was another short hearing held 4/29 in Lancaster, Ca in the Stacey Barker murder case.Just a few short notes from our friends who attend the hearings and share with us:
The defendant's bus was late again coming from the Central Regional Detention Center. While waiting for the defendant to appear, DDA Kelly Cromer and PD Roberto Dager had a "little side conference" in the jury box. Our friend said Dager said "something" to Cromer, to which Cromer was heard to laugh and say," The only deal I'll go for is 15 to Life." With that the discussion was over until the Barker was brought up to the courtroom. (keep in mind this was just part of a conversation that was over heard, so should be evaluated on that basis, not as fact pertaining to this case, just something you might have heard as well if sitting in the courtroom)
Something that was put on the record is Judge Hayden Zackey's desire to get a court date set in this case. PD Dager told the court he needs more time to interview more witnesses and there was still a question of some discovery. Judge Zackey said," I would like to start TRIAL within the 60 days, this is getting OLD." Zackey added, "I understand the nature and gravity of the crime, but I would like to proceed with trial soon." (Tori's thinks the "this is getting old " statement was in reference to the defendant being brought to court, 90 miles one way, and nothing being accomplished.Given the financial crisis in CA that seems a reasonable assumption.) Another hearing date was set for June 7 and court was recessed.
Our friends noted that Stacey Barker was in GREAT spirits today. When she entered the courtroom she said hi to her boyfriend in a flirtatious manner, during the hearing she was bouncy and laughing with her attorney, and when she was led out of the courtroom by the bailiff (despite an admonition earlier in the case not to have make any contact with the gallery) she turned in a "coy" way and said "BYE" to her family...kind of like she was somewhere other than a court of law.....bidding farewell to her fans. ( LOL, whatever)
Check back, our friends will attend and give us an update of what happens in court on June 7. Hopefully there will be a trial date set so there can be some Justice for Emma.
In this writer's opinion, getting to the Truth = Justice. Sphere: Related Content
Great write up Kat...
ReplyDeleteI was never so upset in my time attending these hearings for her as I was that day! the 1 year anniversary of Emma's death has just passed a month ago and she shows no sign of remorse or pain for this sweet angel...this happy go lucky childless girl again that can laugh with her attorney, flirt with her man and show no sign of emotion for what she did or let happen to her beatiful daughter....aaawww I was thinking the same thing a7xmommy was, If I could I would smack her friggen face right now!
You know every time she comes down here on her road trip for no good reason it just prolongs her time in jail, I don't know if Dager has told her that the Jail she is in now is tame in comparison to the other female prisons, which she will go to as soon as the trial is over and that staying there will count towards her sentence time, so maybe he wants her to be there as long as she can...
It is OLD already but that will not stop us until there is a end to this and peace for Emma!
love ya girl take care....
Thanks for stopping by Tori! And thanks for all that you do, friend!
ReplyDeleteI am so enjoying your blogs. And thank you so so much for signing Caylee's guestbook. It means a lot to me.
ReplyDeleteI will be by often if that is ok with you.
Hello Shyloh!
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you let me know you were here and enjoy my blogs. I blog about a variety of cases, but the ones with children really grab my heartstrings. Unfortunately there are too many of those.
I really enjoy the site you put together for Caylee. I know how much time you must have put into it. I've been by several times and wanted to recognize your efforts. I haven't been through everything, so I'll be back. :)
I believe in my heart there will come a day of justice for Caylee.
Grab a comfy chair anytime, you are very welcome here.
I know what you mean. I can't keep up with a lot of them even though I try. I have read you so much. Was having problems commenting.. But finally I think I have it down ha. You are very wise and right on about a lot of thing. Thank you for your kind welcome. OH I WILL BE BACK. HUGS to you and yours always.
ReplyDeleteHi Kat,
ReplyDeleteJust checking in to see how you are doing I know I have been MIA for the last few weeks, been busy with family things and Vegas baby....lost my donkey..LOL.
I just read in the local paper that D.A.Kelly Cormer just got a guy that beat his girlfriends child to death 65 years...you go kelly, here is another case that she hasright now that is just horrific, the child lived but has brain damage..The scum and the incubator went to a motel to party, the child P'd her panties so they put her in a ice cold tub and then put her in front of the air conditioner then began punching her in the head this went on for hours, the incubator called 911 ONLY after the child would not wake up....here is some of the press report.
Jurors will continue deliberating today in the trial of a 35-year-old man accused of violently beating his girlfriend's young daughter about 18 months ago in a Palmdale motel room, an attack that left the girl near death.
What in the heck is going on out here with these people?? this is the 5th child death or beat into brain damage case I have seen in the last few months..
I am waiting for the Parker case to come to light, I missed the prelim because it was on the same day as Barkers.. but I bet it will go to trial sooner then SB's did...See he has a PD not is not named Dager.
Parker has only been to court 3 times since his arrest, not one of the dates asked for long johns LOL.
I was just at NP and Yes A7xmommy was amazing in her blog...I was in Awe after reading her blog, Great job!
I will get all I can on the 7th, let's hope this is a trial date day for the court.
Love ya Kat, take care Tori
Sorry, forgot to reread the above post...
ReplyDeleteit should say "that is not named Dager"
please excuse the other mistakes..T
Hi Tori!
ReplyDeleteI have missed everyone.....Sorry to hear you lost your donkey...does that mean you are now a Republican? Oops no that can't be right. LOL jk I don't know or care what political views you have...that is honestly the first thing that came to mind. LOL
I haven't been to NP for a while because I haven't had any update e-mails...where is A7xmommy's blog? I'll go look see if I can find it.
There are just so many disgusting cases of child abuse and murder. Let me know how that case turns out.No wonder Kelly Cromer is such a tough cookie.
Did you hear about 4 year old Ethan? I can't think of his last name but his incubator and her scumbag beat him so bad they had to lock him up while they went and got married....and after he died they smashed his face in with a hammer.grrrr.... I think that was in AZ...LCM may be writing about it, I need to go to NP!
I sure hope there is a trial date set at SB's next hearing, Judge Zackey has made it very clear it's time to get moving....of course the defendant has all the rights. TTYS Love Ya back!