update: Stacey Barker has been transfered to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. She was transfered on 7/5. It usually takes a week before the inmate's reception is listed. Will let you know when we find out!
Superior Court Judge Hayden Zackey sentenced Stacey Marie Barker, 26, of Lancaster, CA today, June 17, for her May 24, 2011 convictions related to the death of her 18 month old daughter, Emma Leigh Barker, on March 18th, 2009.
Katfish...ponders originally reported the dispositon of the sentence will end up as 62 years, however after further investigation I've learned that may not be accurate. Here is my current understanding of the sentence:
Count 1, First Degree Murder = 25 years to life
Count 2, Assault on Child causing death = 25 years to life (stayed)
child abuse = 6 years
child abuse = 6 years
special enhancement / allegations = 4 years.
It's our understanding the sentences are to be served consecutive, credit for time served (2 years) will be given and Barker is not eligible for any good time off her sentence. We are not certain what the actual disposition of the sentences will be, but we can say pretty confidently that Barker should be well past the age of being able to conceive another child before she is free again. At this time neither the booking record from the LA county Jail or the LA County Superior Court's Online records are showing the sentence or disposition other than to show Stacey Barker is now under the jurisdiction of the state prison system. As soon as we learn the actual minimum time she will be serving we'll update this.
Here is a CBS 9 Los Angeles news report of the sentencing hearing and case:
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3 months ago
wowza....justice served. I bet she's kicking herself for not copping a plea
ReplyDeleteStacy Barker got less than what she deserved. I'm just glad that she will never be able to give birth again. She might end up getting pregnant in Prison by a guard. knowing what a hood rat she is you never know. She is a cold person with no emotion. Walking dead!
ReplyDeleteGood news indeed!
I spoke with Tori a while ago as she was getting on the freeway from court and we aren't positive the dispositon will end up as 62 years. Here is my current understanding of the sentence:
ReplyDeleteCount 1 = 25 years to life
Count 2 = 25 years to life
child abuse = 6 years
child abuse = 6 years
to be served consecutive
special circumstances = 4 years.
count 2 stayed
There is also word that she will not be eligible for parole for 47 years. Sorry that we can't be more specific right at the moment but we'll report more on the sentence as we learn.
Anon #2 6/17, The fact Stacey Barker won't have the opportunity to kill another of her children is a relief to me. (Mr. katfish said the same thing about SB getting pregnant by a gaurd when I said at least she won't have more kids...hood rat...haha.....she deserves that after the things that came out about her at trial)
Wow today was sad and heart wrenching listening to anthony and his mothers victim impact statments saying all the things that they will never get to experience with emma. singing to her, having sleep overs with her aunt, playing with her cousins and the most heartbreaking was anthonys mom saying she will never get to hear emma call her grandma. And as anthonys and his aunt were crying I had to compose myself before I started to cry to loudly yet not one tear from stacey barker as I surveyed the court room I noticed thats both zacky and johnny (bailiff) were looking at her with distaste because of her lack of emotions this is something I will never forget I know I'm drained so I'm sure the barkers, anthony and his family are even more so wow is all thats really comes to mind
ReplyDeleteHi ladies...I saw the news on ABC, I posted in the other forum. I am so sick about this sentencing. Because the reality is with our jails full of people with traffic tickets or jay walking...she probably won't even serve the time she has been sentenced. I am just so dissapointed! Thank you jurors for your hard work and dedication to seek justice. But once it was out of your hands, that is when our judicial system really failed. Girls, again thank you for your dedication to keeping us informed. From today forward the healing process begins. I hope that SB's parents are able to find some comfort in their lives. I can't even imagine how they feel. God Bless them and the rest of you for the support that was shown to the reason we are all here, EMMA LEIGH!
ReplyDeleteI just saw the story on SB on the local news and they said that she got 25 to life and that she could be out when she is in her 50's. Please let us all know the correct sentencing?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous 5:17 PM,
ReplyDeleteI have been checking Barkers booking sheet with the county website and it hasn't been updated yet. I'm going to call tori in a bit and get the whole scoop from the sentencing hearing. I wanted to give her some time to get herself home and organize her thoughts. My comment above at 4:26 details the sentences on each count as I understood it from my call with Tori but the sentence and the disposition of the sentence are very different things unless of course it's LWOP.....it is confused by the fact that each state has their own penal code. Please keep checking. I will mark the title updated when I have more to offer if you are subscribed or following.
I am trying really hard not to be angry about this but its hard. Did you know that Scott Peterson got the Death Penalty for killing Stacey and his unborn son....Emma was alive, healthy, happy and all her mother gets is 25 years? Unreal...unreal! Emma didn't get to see 2 let alone 25...I'm sorry but I am just so dissapointed that she gets to get off that easy. Thank you for having this site for me to express this. Anytime I talked to friends or family about how much this bothers me, they don't understand, except for my neice of course!! Uggghhh, so frustrated!
ReplyDeleteI too heard about the sentence on ABC, but that story lacked a lot of details of the sentence. I agree with you, from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteShe should get life WITHOUT parole, not 25 years to life, which could indeed set her free in as little as 25 years, where she would still be relatively young enough to enjoy a good 20 to 30 years of freedom.
We'll just have to wait and see what exactly was the sentence this baby killer was indicted on.
I hope the families can move on in the future, instead of living a life of nothing but misery, sorrows, crippling depression, bitterness, and guilt.
Look how Mark Klauss and John Walsh became advocates against murderers , especially child murderers.
Justice for Emma and all other innocent children who were unknowingly born to monsters.
@ Sniff, Thanks for sharing your experience in court today. I can only imagine the high level of emotion in that courtroom. Thank you for telling us about the victim impact statements from Emma's paternal side.
ReplyDelete@ from the beginning, truth in sentencing (or lack there of)is one of my biggest peeves with our legal system. Good time is a joke, imo....hell yeah how hard is it to behave in jail?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@katfish your welcome but thats was only a small portion of the morning. Anthonys family was so strong I know Emma was looking over them and helping them through today I at one point told Anthony Emma would have been proud of you and Anurse rightfully corrected me and said I know she is proud of you p.s I'm SOOO disappointed with the news coverage they gave more time to fingernails then to Emma. sad !!!
ReplyDeleteHi gang!
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't understand the complexities of the law that allows one state to sentence a baby killer to death and another 6, 8 or 10 years, I think the State did well. I admit I was hoping she would get Life w/o Parole, but 25 years (plus 16) of hard time will be no picnic for SB and (this is a biggie) SB will have to admit she murdered Emma and show remorse before she will be paroled. Does anyone see that happening anytime soon?
Also remember "the life" SB had is gone. Say she is out in 30 years or so, her parents will be in their 80's, her brothers have written her off, her loving grands will be long dead. Her friends - all gone. In 30 years she will be a middle aged woman, starting life at 55, with nothing. She has minimal job skills and she will have spent the prime of her life in prison.
Sad but true, sociopaths and psychopaths (which she seems to be) do well in prison. They adapt and often rule the roost. SB had a good life, she destroyed everyone in that life and everything that she had been freely given. Life for ex-cons is often harder on the outside than it was in prison, no more 3 hots and a cot provided by the taxpayers. So while we didn't get everything we were hoping for today, I'm OK with what we know SB has to look forward to for the rest of her miserable life.
Hi Sniff here I just thought you might want to see this KCAL9 news http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/video-news-on-demand/?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=5968300
ReplyDeleteThanks Sniff That's a good one!
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies, My husband and I were wondering if anyone knows what Prison SB is going to spend her sorry life at? I was telling my husband that it would serve her right to be put in our prison here in Lancaster.. where she would be able to see the city light of her hometown and hate her life for what she did to that beautiful little girl.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous - Dager is asking for SB to be sent to Chino Women's Institute where she would be housed in a pod with other women convicted of killing their kids. Ms Cromer isn't sure yet where she will be sent.
ReplyDeleteThoughts on previous posts: I believe the prison in Lancaster is for men only. I to was hoping for life without parole. 25 years in a pod with other women who killed their children; what a sick thought - "hey, lets get a cup of coffee and you can tell me how you killed your kid and I'll tell you how I killed mine". If she gets out in 25 years she'll be lucky to have any kind of "good" life at all. It's almost impossible today to get a job unless you can pass a background check. Chino is only 85 miles away from Lancaster, the other two prisons are just a bit over 200 miles away. Being in Chino would afford her family/friends the opportunity to visit more often. And finally, I hope she is scared every day of her life; as scared as that precious little angel was when her mother was taking her life.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous
ReplyDeleteChino sounds like a cushier setting to me, it is or was home to several "high profile" inmates. Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten, of Charles Manson's "Family," Cathy Evelyn Smith (the death of John Belushi), Elisabeth Anne "Betty" Broderick, (the deaths of Dan Broderick and Linda Kolkena Broderick), Brenda Ann Spencer, (killed two and wounded nine at a school in San Diego in 1979).
Here's what a former inmate had to say about Chino: "ciw is like camp snoopy pretty laid back. back in the day, ciw had it going on, i mean back in the 70's pretty much until chowchilla was built, in fact as bad as shape as its in, if i were to go back i would still prefer to do my time there. what can i say, i've never gotten use to doing it up in chowchilla"
Putting her in a pod with other baby killers will keep her out of protective custody. Even murderers have standards and baby killers and child molesters are at the bottom of the prisoners hierarchy, the lowest of the low.
Chowchilla (1st choice) or Coachilla would both be more appropriate IMO and it will move her out of that familiar "comfort zone" where her family (well, her dad), won't be able to visit as often.
"A typical cell is about eight by ten, shared by two women. It contains one sink, toilet, bunks with one mattress and one pillow each, and one locker per woman." Sounds awful to me, it's where I hope she stays till she's well past 60.
Just because Roberto Dager has requested for SB to be sent to Chino Women's Institute where she would be housed in a pod with other women convicted of killing their kids, hopefully, doesn't mean that will happen. I'm fairly certain that is a decision for CDOC to decide. I'm rooting for Chowchilla too....T said she saw a documentary from there (scared straight) and the inmates were crying like babies....seems like Stacey Barker doesn't much like crying...she needs to be uncomfortable....for a long time!
ReplyDeleteHi all,
ReplyDeleteJust a thought on the sentence thing...
Kelly said SB would do the 25 straight time before she could even be considered for parole and that would mean she would have to FESS up to what she has done and then they would THINK about it...She will never say she killed her child she is too proud of her accident lie! Det.Nava said that she would not get parole on her first shot at it, it is not that easy..
Didn't Manson get 25 to life and he is still in? how many times has his parole been turned down? so she may have many years to go after the 25 is up, I am just glad she will be childless for the rest of her life...
Hey, she may want to become a prison guard after this if she finds a male guard she likes in there...lol...love the Hood Rat reference! hood rat hood rat, hoochie mama!(a dumb song)
Then there is the 16 year sentence for the other charges (after her 25 is done), which means 61 years if I understood the Judge right...He also said that she would be past or hoped she would be past child bearing age when she is up for a shot at parole...
I know our system of time sucks here but it was better then what we thought it would be and JZ said NO GOOD TIME..I don't know if that is for the 2 years she spent in Jail or for the whole time she got...she will not be eligable for parole in a few years...thank goodness...T
Hi Friends I did some looking and found Chino is a reception/processing center for incoming female inmates and houses inmates with special needs such as pregnancy, psychiatric care, methadone, and medical problems such as HIV infection.
ReplyDeleteWith the large numbers of women who would actually be in need of the services provided by Chino, I'm thinking it is unlikely SB will stay there and no I don't think Dager has any say in where she ends up either. So even if SB goes to Chino first, it doesn't mean that's where she will spend the next 25 plus years of her life.
Yeah T SB should become a prison guard! Oh wait, she's a convicted felon - won't happen! LOL!
I'm so glad to hear that SB got what she did! The bad thing is that she will ever serve the entire 61 years, but as long as she is not out before she can bare children. They she put a old style chassity belt on her until then so nothing can happen in the mean time. I am also wondering if anything is going to happen to BB. Isn't the DA looking into charges of him being an ascessory to murder after the fact? They guy was caught lying while on the stand, in more than several questionings. He helped SB with her story, and maybe more. BB has been seen partying it up again since the trial end. I even know that both BB and MB think that he has no worries in the world, and that he has gotten off scott free. He deserves do to do jail time for his part in this. I believe that he could have prevented Emma's death from happening if he had acted like a man instead of a punk kid who's world revolves around drinking and partying, just like he learned and see's from him mother. Just go any Friday night to Schooners and you will see BB and MB there. MB will be drinking while BB is working, even having him sereve her the beer she drinks all night. Trust me check BB out, he is guiltier than you think.
ReplyDeleteHi. I am sure that BB thinks he has gotten off the hook...Neither he nor his Mother was there for the sentence.
I have it on good authority that he is still being looked at, now if charges are going to be brought soon or not is unknown...the Det's have all the time they need, I have found no Statutes of Limitations on Acc to Murder or Acc after the Fact in a Murder case, so no one really needs to feel safe at this point!
Anyone watching this News Video above, GB also said that "he was dissapointed with the Court system, the last 2 years have been a circus"
He did mention "Bloggers" but it was unknown if he said that we made it a circus or what...Someone is trying to get the unedited tape of the hearing and the after interviews with Anthony and GB.
We (the bloggers) did not cause any commition at anytime in the courtroom or outside of the court, I had never seen one of her hearings out of hand and Never did we get asked to leave the court or get admonished by the Judge or Bailiff about anything besides GB only really showed up for the Trial and 2 other times during any of her hearings so how he got a circus out of this is beyond me, Maybe he thought her Attorney was a Clown....LOL
Poor guy he is still in denial even after seeing the pictures of that Angel with the marks left on her cheeks showning she held her hand over Emmas mouth and nose with the Blanket while Emma struggled to Live.
Judge Z, Anthony and his Mother had a lot to say to SB but her Attorney Roberto Dager hid her face from everyone and whispered in her ear the whole time so she was not paying attention to what was being said to her! WTF?!? she is no celebrity, that was rude of him to hide her face from JZ!
I will let Kat do her story on the Impact statements and the rest of what happened, I just wanted to get some other things out here for you all....T
Thanks for chiming in Tori, I hope you're feeling better :) Nobody can tell the story as well as those of you who were there and lived the experience, so y'all, please, comment on.
ReplyDeleteHere's a clip from ABC:
There's a shot of SB - no wonder Dager was covering her face, she looks like she hasn't slept since the trial. Reality setting in???
On the front page of the Saturday Valley Press.. there is a picture of SB and she really looks BAD with greasy hair.
ReplyDeleteI also agree reality is setting in.
@ LCM and Anonymous, Thanks for the all the prison information and your thoughts and thoughtful questions about the case. I thought I posted this a couple hours ago....since I didn't I can add thanks for the ABC link too. After hearing Gary Barker again conceding that Stacey was guilty of "leaving Emma behind" the thing that popped in my mind was Gary is putting perfume on the pig.......he chose a much gentler way to say she dumped her daughter like trash at the side of the road. I don't think he will ever accept that Stacey killed Emma when he can't even admit Emma was dumped by his daughter. So sad....of course he is entitled to believe what he wants as are we.
ReplyDelete"I am also wondering if anything is going to happen to BB. Isn't the DA looking into charges of him being an ascessory to murder after the fact? They guy was caught lying while on the stand, in more than several questionings. He helped SB with her story, and maybe more. BB has been seen partying it up again since the trial end. I even know that both BB and MB think that he has no worries in the world, and that he has gotten off scott free. He deserves do to do jail time for his part in this. I believe that he could have prevented Emma's death from happening if he had acted like a man instead of a punk kid who's world revolves around drinking and partying, just like he learned and see's from him mother. Just go any Friday night to Schooners and you will see BB and MB there. MB will be drinking while BB is working, even having him sereve her the beer she drinks all night. Trust me check BB out, he is guiltier than you think."
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect example of BB's morals. And BTW during the beginning of the trial BB was serving 20 consecutive days in jail for a second DUI offense. His drivers license was revoked for one year which also included a monetary fine. I know for a fact he is driving w/o a license and at one point was using his brother's vehicle to get to and from work, just trying to stay under the police radar. What a perfect example of a "lawabiding citizen." If he isn't arrested as an accessory in the crime he'll be arrested for a third DUI. Let's hope he doesn't maim or kill an innocent driver or bystander, just himself. One way or the other he will end up in jail.
Hi Ladies...I have to say that even though I think that she should spend the rest of her life in jail, I hope even more that what Judge Zackey had to say to her is repeated in her head every single day. If I was to see him on the stree I would hug him and say how wonderful that statement he made was! Because to me that wasn't a professional statement, it was a from the heart to the core statement. And as far as SB's Dad, I am very sad that even after all the facts and having to sit through all those pictures and all the information he still can defend her. As a parent I would do anything for my child, but put in his position, I am sorry, but I could not turn a blind eye. For the rest of my life I will pray that the Barker family can find some kind of peace with this horrible horrible event in their lives!
ReplyDeleteFrom the beginning.....This whole situation is so sad but our legal system has done it's job and we have to trust in that, regardless of what us or any of Stacey Barker's family feel. I join you in prayer for some level of peace for Stacey's family and also for Emma's father's family....Stacey made sure they all had no say about how Emma's life would turn out but she should not control how they live the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeleteOops, I meant to add that I am checking with all LA County online resources I can each day to find out the disposition of SB's sentence....to date all I can find under disposition is State Prison (SP), I will continue to check. I hope all of our friends in the Antelope Valley will keep their ears to the ground too and let us know what they hear. (I know Tori and our friends in court will keep us informed if they hear anything, but we're open to hearing from anyone as long as we know the resource of the information so we can check the reliability of the info.) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI've heard from a good a source that there is a sheriff who's wife is a good friend of MB and that he had told her to tell MB that the DA has nothing on BB and is not looking at him anymore? If this is true I can't believe that the would leave this guy out on the street so he can be involved in another childs death. He is holding back so much information on just what happened in Emma's death, and he should be held accountable for his lack of feelings for what had happened to such a lovely child. I hope that this is not true, and that the DA is still going to arrest him and bring him up on charges of being an accessory to the fact. This guy has no feelings, and continues to break the law even as this is being written. He is driving without a license, because of losing it for his latest DUI. He continues to drink, and drive but it seems the Lancaster Police do nothing in trying to catching him. All they would have to do is watch Schooners on a Friday night when he works. He gets off at closing and the would find him driving away, or MB who is alcoholic, and drinks there all the time drives him home after she has been there drinking all night. They are two of a kind that have absolutly no regard to the law, because to them it doesn't apply. I can't believe that he cares so little as to put his own family in jepordy by driving there cars with no license or insurance. I guess the idiot doesn't relize that if got into an accident in one of his family members car that they would not cover the damage. But with BB and MB being not it all's that nothing will ever happen to them! When there times comes I'll be so happy that all their lying and deception will bring them down!
ReplyDeleteSome of us hear from A GREAT SOURCE THAT BB IS NOT OFF THE HOOK YET. I have no Idea how a Sheriff would know what a DDA has on her Plate to be able to tell MB anything...we will wait to see what happens...
ReplyDelete@ Anon 6/24, I didn't ignore your comment, I had a response that I "thought" had posted. When I was notified of Tori's message and came to look, I realized mine didn't post....I agree with what Tori said 6/30 @ 8:10 pm, a Sheriff's deputy would NOT know what is going on within the walls of the prosecutors office in the normal course of business. It is possible the Sheriff's Office is assisting in the investigation but that would be detectives doing the investigating. There is another source for information, that we can confirm, who says it's not over yet, so don't give up hope for justice. ~sigh~
ReplyDeleteAs far as the drunk driving, I want to give LE in Lancaster the benefit of the doubt as to ignoring BB driving unlicensed and drunk until I have reason to believe otherwise...how many DUI's has he had? Someone is doing their job. The main reason I want to give LE the BOD is because their own family and friends are at risk as well. I join you in hoping noone else is hurt by these two before it's all said and done.
Have you ever considered notifying LE about BB and MB's driving practices?
In my second to last sentence in the comment above should read " I join you in hoping noone is hurt by these two before it's all said and done."
ReplyDelete@ Tori! Hello Girl!!
Thanks for stopping by. I keep checking online for Barker info to be updated....I noticed with the Garrido case it took 2 full weeks for Nancy(?) to be sent to Chino for processing. SB should be getting placed soon...I hope.
Hi Kat
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? I am just now feeling better from that cold....eeeekkk....
It is hot as all Hell out here today at 6PM it was still 101 with few breezes...
I looked it up on LASD website and the only thing it said was she was going to a level 3 state prison...so maybe Chowchilla is in her future I am sure we will learn where she is sooner or later.
Have you kept up with the Anthony Case, shoot the more I hear the more I think of SB...GA told that River Cruz that he does not think it was murder that it was a accident and nothing else....
I am amazed at how much these 2 are so much alike...I am sorry she didn't take the stand, that Attorney would have ripped her apart and just like SB she would have lashed out and the Jury would know how she REALLY IS...
I saw that when her dad was on the stand she mouthed SOB...I thought when she was in Jail she said he was the best father around....now he is a son of a bitch? this family is as strange as hell....
The brother Lee also bothers me, a lot! he has no right to know or care if CA was pregnant or not....he seems cocky and Jerky.
Anyway girl, take care and I will talk to you later...Hugs T
Hello Ladies, I keep checking to see where SB is going to be place.. Thanks for keeping us updated.
ReplyDeleteHi T,
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're feeling better. You sounded bad last time we talked.
I have been watching the Anthony trial...it would be more accurate to say I have been glued to it. Did you read part1 of my visit to the CA trial? I have been working on part2 for weeks but I can't write and watch the trial at the same time. LOL (I tried)Hugs back at you...kat
Anon we are keeping an eye out, hopefully we will know something soon. SB is waiting for the prison bus to pick her up any day. She will go to a facility for reception/processing into the CDCR before getting her final "address".
I did a little research after I saw on SB's booking sheet that her disposition is now SP4, here is what the codes mean:
SP means they have been sentenced to State Prison
SP2 means their paperwork from the court has arrived and they have given a DNA sample.
SP3 means all paperwork is processed and they are waiting to be placed on a transportation list.
SP4 means their name is on a bus list and they will be transferred out accordingly.
Soooo...SB should be on her way to reception for a while (I have heard 6-8 weeks before she is assigned her "home" prison) Reception is reportedly tough because inmates aren't allowed calls, they can write after they get stationary and after an approval of visitor application(for each visitor) they can have visits.
she was a dirtbag when she worked at the ford dealer too.was caught having sex in cars with other employees.hood rat lol
ReplyDeleteKatfish I'm responding to your post of 6/30,as far a BB it is a fact that he recently got his second dui, payed a fine, and lost his license for one year. He also did some time in jail for his dui as it was during one of the weekends of the trial. His older brother almost lost his arm about 6 years ago rolling his truck at the time 2 doors down from there house. A friend of his that was at the house took the blame for the roll over so he wouldn't get a dui for driving. All three boys along with MB drink and drive the streets of Lancaster all the time especially on fridays nights, saturday nights, and even more so on holidays like the July 4th.
ReplyDeleteI hope we see the day soon when the DA picks up BB and tries him for his part in Emma's murder! I would also like to know who LE is so I can try to get these alcoholics of the streets. The family has a history of alcoholics in the family and as you can tell that MB and her boys are no acception, they to are and need help especially MB. I know for a fact that she spent over 8hrs. at Vicent Hill Station last weekend drinking with the bartender which is one of her friends. Then around 9:00 p.m. they were at a Mexican food place on Soladad Cyn Rd. eating and still drinking. MB spends most of her time there or at Schooners were BB works or at Coaches. MB and her close drinking friends are all alcoholics that drink, party, and drive the streets of the valley, as well as Hwy 14! I have seen MB this week a few time going into Schooners and staying for more than 4hrs, and she was also seen by a friend in there during lunch drinking. I would like to know who I can turn to, I've reported them to Lancaster police over 2 weeks ago and nothing has happened. I also let the CHP know the other night because MB was up the hill for over 7hrs and was driving. The sad and stupid things is that I know she will let someone else drive her truck when she is to drunk....but they are not as drunk as her! Lets make the streets safe from them before they kill someone we know and love because this family think it's is above the law! My advice until they get picked up for a dui stay away from Schooners, Coaches, and VHS on the weekends, and watch out during the week because they are all out there!
Katfish I forgot to ask if you know anyone I could contact in regards to the above matter? Any phone number or person would be great. I hate driving the streets in there neighborhood, and try to stay out of it as much as possible. Thanks for any help you can provide.
ReplyDelete@ Katfish..
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update.. I will keep checking from time to time.
Take care.
ReplyDeleteLE is "Law Enforcement" maybe you could try to call the District Attorney and ask what can be done to help you out? that number is 974-7700.
I don't know these people and can not say much except they keep going on Now Public under the name STUPID ASS and the name suits them....
When you know they are Drunk Driving you need to call the police at that time and tell them where you see them. PLM Sheriff is 272-2400 that covers VHS area. Sorry couldn't be more help. T
Tori thanks for the information, as I thought LE was for law enforcement so thanks you. I think I should call the DA because I've already reported everything to Lancaster Police but nothing has been done. I notified them around the end of April with everything they needed to know but nothing as of today has happened to neither one of them. I know that they hang out at Schooners, Vincent Hill Station, Coaches, and BJ's where her older son use to work. I've also heard that he moved away from Lancaster and out to Hunnington Beach because of the mess with his brother, and his mothers drinking. I even heard that he has told her to pull herself out of the bottom of her beer glass because of all the drinking and the fact she also drives while drunk. I've got some friends that have seen her out drinking after the 4th and that she continues to drive back and forth from the Hill, to BJ's or Schooners on the weekends drunk with no regard to the law. Her older son was smart to get away from the rest of the family as not to be brought down or embarrested by MB, or BB. I'll let you know how things go after talking to the DA. Lets hope they have more seccess than the police, and that they get these drunks off the street before they hurt or kill somone. The sure don't care about their lives but I care for everybody who is in jeporady because of these two low lifes.
ReplyDeleteHello My Friends!
ReplyDeleteHope you are all well, I miss you! Been really busy here and I'm seeing a very proactive Pulmonary Specialist. Glad I left AZ - wish I'd gotten out sooner...big news! Mz Stacey Marie B (AKA CDCR# WE1723) has a new address and I'm guessing she's not loving her new home at the Central California Women's Facility (CCWF)!!
If you care to drop her a note her mailing address is:
P. O. Box 1508
Chowchilla, CA 93610
Thank you State of CA!! You have succeeded where FL failed miserably! I'm wondering what SB thinks of KC's trial outcome, probably kicking herself for testifying (not that I think it effected the outcome)!
@Kat, I haven't had a chance to lookup SB's sentencing info.
@Tori I've seen some of SA's posts at NP - she/he is well named for sure!
Take care and I'll be in touch soon!
Kat and Tori I just wanted to let you know that I got no where with the DA, or the sherriff station. They just don't seem to care that this family of 3 are always on the road drunk, with no regards to their life, or anyones else's. With all the problems of drunk driving in the area they are not on the ball, nor do the really seem to care. So what I'm going to do is post the license plate number of MB and the description of the veichle so if anyones see's this person driving day or night call the LPD or the sherriff dept. to report them. This seems the only way they will be caught and taken off the street. The truck is a 2006 Toyota 4 door pick up silver/gray with a pick bummper sticker on the back drivers side with don't be a bitch in pink lettering. The license plate number is 8R36064 and she hangs out at BJ's, Schooners, Coaches and Vicent Hill Station. If you see this vehicle on the road please call LPD, or sherriffs office to report this person. BB drives a Toyota Tundra just like his mother but it is white with a short bed and is a 2010 pickup. We need to get these drunks off the road and it is going to take everyones help to get these people of the road before they kill someone you love! They are out just about everyday drinking and driving so if you are by one of there hangouts pull through the parking lot and if you see the car report them to the police or sherriff...we need to protect everyone from this family that has no regards to life.
ReplyDeleteThanks LC...
ReplyDeleteAre you here?????
Anon, I will keep a look out for the trucks.
CHOWCHILLA YEAH...I think that will be her personal home for many years as we only have 2 prisons here in our area for chicks...
Wonder if BB and her Parent...will make that LONG trip to see her!
I am still working on getting a full tape from the 7 news station so I will let you know!
Hey Tori!
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm at my daughter's place in So Cal! I left AZ as soon as the fire was >50% contained and we were off the evac list. I'm seeing a much better doc (I hope), as he couldn't be worse - hopefully he'll come up with something that works SOON and get me breathing easier. I don't have good phone service here, have to rely on texts. You have the number.
At this point I'll be surprised if BB drops by but I'm guessing her parent will as soon as he's approved. His princess has never been so far from home before! blech! I have a friend who "dropped SB a note" telling her exactly what she thinks about her and about what she did.
Hope you can get the tape! Let us know about BB - Anon must be very frustrated, maybe post the info at NP as well...
Katfish, Tori or LC Mom....I understand the hammer has fallen and a warrant for BB's arrest has been issued for perjury and conspiracy. Is it possible to check with your sources.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 8/21 @ 1:46 pm
ReplyDeleteWe are trying to find out but so far can only say he doesn't appear to be in custody yet. ???? Thanks for the heads up! If there is anything you want to add that wouldn't be appropriate to put here feel free to e-mail me through my profile page :)
Warrant was served on Fri 8/19, detectives spoke with MB. BB is on the down low while MB searches for an attorney. MB isn't talking and believes she is under surveillance and cell calls are being monitored. BB is supposed to turn himself in tomorrow with legal counsel present. Let's see what happens.
ReplyDeleteWooHoo! He can run but he can only hide for so long! Thanks for the update Anon.
ReplyDeleteCA Penal Code:
118. (a) Every person who, having taken an oath that he or she will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly before any competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any of the cases in which the oath may by law of the State of California be administered, willfully and contrary to the oath, states as true any material matter which he or
she knows to be false, and every person who testifies, declares, deposes, or certifies under penalty of perjury in any of the cases in which the testimony, declarations, depositions, or
certification is permitted by law of the State of California under penalty of perjury and willfully states as true any material matter which he or she
knows to be false, is guilty of perjury.
This subdivision is applicable whether the statement, or the testimony, declaration, deposition, or certification is made or subscribed within or without the State of California.
(b) No person shall be convicted of perjury where proof of falsity rests solely upon contradiction by testimony of a single person
other than the defendant. Proof of falsity may be established by direct or indirect evidence.
126. Perjury is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for
two, three or four years.
California Penal Code Section 182
(a) If two or more persons conspire:
(1) To commit any crime.
(2) Falsely and maliciously to indict another for any crime, or to procure another to be charged or arrested for any crime.
(3) Falsely to move or maintain any suit,action, or proceeding.
(4) To cheat and defraud any person of any property, by any means which are in themselves criminal, or to obtain money or property by
false pretenses or by false promises with fraudulent intent not to perform those promises.
(5) To commit any act injurious to the public health, to public morals, or to pervert or obstruct justice, or the due administration of the laws.
(6) To commit any crime against the person of the President or Vice President of the United States, the Governor of any state or territory, any United States justice or judge, or the secretary of
any of the executive departments of the United
They are punishable as follows:
When they conspire to commit any crime against the person of anynofficial specified in paragraph (6), they are guilty of a felony and are punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for five, seven,
or nine years.
When they conspire to commit any other felony, they shall be punishable in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided for the punishment of that felony. If the felony is one for which
different punishments are prescribed for different degrees, the jury or court which finds the defendant guilty thereof shall determine the
degree of the felony the defendant conspired to commit. If the degree is not so determined, the punishment for conspiracy to commit the felony shall be that prescribed for the lesser degree, except in the case of conspiracy to commit murder, in which case the punishment shall be that prescribed for murder in the first degree.
If the felony is conspiracy to commit two or more felonies which have different punishments and the commission of those felonies constitute but one offense of conspiracy, the penalty shall be that
prescribed for the felony which has the greater maximum term.
WOW! I wonder if the conspiracy charge is to commit murder or cover up the murder?
Kat I'll let you know.....my "source" is extremely credible. But then again you may hear before I do. You have excellent "sources" in Lancaster.
ReplyDeleteHi Girls...
ReplyDeleteMY GREAT source said "YES" He turned himself in Yesterday but a Judge Ogden(not one I care for)Let BB out on OR...rrrrrgggghhhh! He only turned himself in to look like a good guy.
Somehow he got the heads up about the warrent and MB was indeed looking for an Attorney and he said he would turn himself in.....
Kat I hope he gets he is found guilty on both counts!
Thank you Anon for your Great Post....you knew more then we did at this point...but not for long LOL... ")
OK so I guess the conspiracy is "to file a false police report" or Lying to police for Barker...
ReplyDeleteThe Perjury is for all his lies...
his next hearing date is 9/8/11 in Dept A1 Av courthouse at 8:30am....
There's an article in the Antelope Valley Press (online.) Can't access, I have to subscribe. The formal charges will be read to him on 9/8. OR, what a joke!!!! 9/8 another remembrance day for Emma.....
ReplyDeleteYes Anon,
ReplyDeleteSOMEONE gave the Reporter a heads up after you posted and it was front page news the next day!from what I understand the DA is seeking 4 years for the Perjury charge alone....I don't know about the other charge yet...
Thank you and you source again.
BB is or was staying in Valencia from what I have been told, so that must have been when he was on the downlow.
Someone here thinks he will plea bargin to keep it out of the press and private....hhhmmmm I wonder...
How you feeling today Kat? like I said I am here for you anytime you feel the need to vent....how did things go with Jack? take care and talk to you later.
Hello Ladies, I saw on our local news that BB was arrested this past week... but got out on bail.. so is this true? I hope it is becasue I am sure he had something to do with the crime.
ReplyDeleteTori, about your post to Anon on the 25th how can he bargin when he lied for one? And if he has nothing to hide why make it private, and keep it out of the press? I'm sure everyone would like to know what he knew, and if he helped her(SB)with the crime, or just help her cover it up? He was involved either way. I believe we all learn from our parents actions,even while a person is still in their late 20's, especially if you are still living with that adult in your life. And what has he seen from his mother MB, how to party, drink, sleep around, and that drinking is basically ok to do no matter if it is the weekend or weekday. I bet if you were to check any of her favorite drinking places you will find the caring mother doing what she does best, and that is drinking beer. It is sad that a person can't see what it has done to people in her life, and her family but like anybody who has a problem with alcohol will always tell that no they don't have a problem! If I had a buck for everytime that was said I would be a millionaire. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if MB also knows the whole story on what happened that day. I think a lot of checking on the both of them may just open up many eyes to what was really went on the day that Emma was taken away from the people that cared for her.
ReplyDeleteHi Anon,
ReplyDeleteI don't know that he will plea but someone told me that if he did have anything to do with it, that he might plea to save himself embarrasment from a trial and our prying eyes and blogs...LOL!
Yeah, parents don't know what they teach their kids until it's too late and the damage has been done, then there are some parents that just don't give a rat's A** about how their children are raised and will turn out!
I am waiting to see if they call SB as a witness against him!
They have the security from the PNR but I didn't think she did a very good job on the stand but maybe she will be better this time.
So you think they are Looking into MB as KNOWING about the whole thing and keeping quiet? I know that is a crime that has a name but damn I can't think of it right now.
well, they dug their graves with silence and lies so whatever happens happens, I had told them over at NP if they knew anything they should come clean before her trial ended maybe he could have no charges in exchange for his testimony...but they thought they were off the hook and look, it came back to bite them in the Arce....
Talk to ya all later T
Tori I think the terminology is witholding information of a crime. MB knew something was wrong from the beginning but I don't think she had specific details from BB. I agree with you BB may try to plea to save himself and his family embarrassment from a trial and all that goes with it. MB was furious about the newspaper article and was going to check with the attorney about slander. That would go nowhere. During SB's trial my source told me there was a day during testimony that pics were presented with MB, BB, SB and crew at a NASCAR race "partying like rock stars" and MB walked out from embarrassment. BB had his chance at the beginning of the investigation; MB has never given thought to her actions and possible consequences. 9/8 will be an interesting day.
ReplyDeleteFYI, I put a new post up concerning BB's arrest. Easiest way to get there is click "front page" (in white lettering under the Blog Title box). I tried to get more info off the LA County Online site but need his middle initial or birth date.(He's not on the booking page since he turned himself but these are public records just the same.)
ReplyDeleteI say if you don't want people to know about your dirty deeds....don't do them!
Right now the new entry is the top post but I am working on one for another case so scroll down if you don't see it. :)
Hi Anon..
ReplyDeleteSlander? How can the Paper be sued for Slander, they printed what the DA told them and I didn't see anything that would be slander in the write up, maybe she is just mad because it is FRONT AND CENTER headline news....Oh, Wait the paper did cite his 2 Drunk Driving Arrests and Jail time he did for them during the Trial but that is Public Information and not slander.
We did see the Pictures you are talking about, she should be embarrassed about them, what 40 something year old Mom parties like a Rock Star with her 20 something year old Kids and their friends? She did walk out of the room looking like she was going to be sick one time but I have no Idea if it was when the Pictures were put up, I really wasn't paying attention to her during the Trial.
I don't think they will have BB up on the LASD website because he turned himself in and is not in Jail at this time.
Yes, 9/8 will be Interesting...even If no Jail time comes out of this, the family has already suffered from their name being blasted across the front page of the Paper and put out there that BB might have covered up and lied for a Murderer....
If this had been an adult murder he helped cover up, people wouldn't have much to say or even think twice about, but a 18 month old child, that makes people mad as Hell and they want him to pay for helping her and not telling what he really knew from the start.
He really had nothing to lose or gain from staying quiet about it, she got the Max anyway even though he tried to lie for her to help her out! just look at what is happening to him now, SB will be in Prison for at least 25 or more years so of course she is no longer his girlfriend, he is being Investigated and charged, his name is all over the lips of the people in the AV and not in a good way and his Family is suffering the embarrassment of their name, personal History and Information being in the local paper and Blogs for all to see and Judge.
From what we were told at Court by someone that works with BB at TTCO, MB worked with SB and never liked SB, I don't know how true that is but he should have listened to his Mom's protests about her if it is true and then he would not have been in this mess.
Talk to you later all