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RIP Emma Leigh Barker 9/2007 - 3/2009 |
The day was also frustrating for our friends, here is what Tori had to say about Sue's testimony, " I felt so sorry for her I could feel her pain and she looked like she was in a daze...this has taken a toll on her, Ange commented that she felt like she just wanted to hug her and tell her it was NOT her fault, that she felt heartsick for this woman she did not know...a husband that would leave her in her greatest pain for thoughts and words she said about her daughter. A daughter that had killed her only grandchild, she is in great fear of losing her husband now...how sad she loses her granddaughter, her daughter and if Stacey is convicted because of her testimony she may also lose her husband, because Stacey Barker is a "Daddy's girl" and always has been.
Just hearing Tori's description makes Sue's pain palpable for me. Does it you? No doubt, this was one of the more frustrating days of Sue's life. She learned she was recorded in an interview with the homicide detectives when she said of her daughter, " I know she did it, and I want you to prove it". Her gut instinct was justice for her granddaughter, not of making up lies to protect her daughter. If you haven't seen them already, Tori very kindly made several comments here giving her impressions of the day.
There was something worrisome that happened in court after the jury was dismissed yesterday. Our friends learned today that Judge Zackey advised both parties that he wants Sue Barker examined and her testimony is to be recorded in case something were to happen to her. The court didn't expand on that, but I think we can read between the lines :(
There's a lot to say so I'll get to reporting the court business and testimony. Before the jury was brought in for the day's testimony, DDA Cromer had some things to say about the first day of trial and Stacey Barker's Public Defender, Roberto Dager. Kelly made it clear to the court that she was mad at things PD Dager had said in his opening statement. Cromer felt that that Dager's concentration in his opening on condemning the state and detectives including making personal attacks against them for recording X's conversations with Barker was misconduct. Judge Zackey agreed with the state. Zackey said if it was misconduct, it will not be tolerated, adding he will read the transcripts of the defense opening and would rule later. (I wonder if he will wait until after trial to make a ruling?)
There is a few other issues for the court to discuss before testimony could start, Judge Zackey advised both parties that someone had called the LA County Sheriff's Office to report that Sue Barker was heard talking about her testimony in the hallway in front of some jurors. Judge Zackey had the jury brought in and questioned them whether they had overheard anyone talking about the case in the hallway during break. No one on the jury had heard anyone talking about the case, so the judge reminded them of the admonishment not to talk to anyone about the case or allow anyone to talk to them about it. If this did happen he advised them to talk to Johnnie, the court's bailiff who would let him know.
( An interesting side note is Tori had mentioned she saw and heard Brendon Borrelli's mother talking to Gary Barker and Brendon in the hallway about Sue's testimony during a break . Seems important enough to mention now....did someone else witness the same and get confused who was who and reported it, or was the incident reported with Sue a different incident?)
Here is the abbreviation key I will use for the defendant and those speaking in court today....
"JZ" for Judge Hayden Zackey
"KC" for Deputy District Attorney Kelly Cromer
"RD" for Deputy Public Defender Roberto Dager
"SB" for Stacey Barker
"Sue" for Sue Barker
"Hoyt" for Detective John Hoyt
Testimony started at 11:20 today with more direct examination of Sue Barker by DDA Kelly Cromer. I'll use the same Q&A format as yesterday.
Direct Examination- Sue Barker
KC - Who are the people out in the hall ? Sue - My husband and my sister. KC - The husband you told Detective Nava that you didn't want to lose? (No response noted.)
KC - Who came into the courtroom yesterday after the second break? Sue - I don't know. KC - No one came in ? Sue - I was. KC - Did your son Matt come in ? Sue - Yes. KC - That was the same time that you seemed to have some lapse in memory. Is it hard for you to testify? Sue - Yes. KC - Why? Sue - It just is. KC - Do you feel guilt because of the argument you had with Stacey? Sue - Yes
KC - Did you tell Detective Nava that you and Stacey had argued in recent weeks before Emma's death and you said something about kicking her out? Sue - I don't know. KC - Did you know that interview was recorded? Sue - I didn't see a recorder.
KC - Did you tell Detective Nava that Brendon Borrelli might be a suspect? Sue - Yes KC - Did Det. Nava say that if Brendon had told her to do it it was still her decision? Sue - I know it was Stacey's doing.
KC - Anyone in the family in the legal profession? Sue - Not that I know of. KC - Any relation, not just immediate family? Sue - Gary's sister is a para-legal but I haven't talked to her about this.
KC - You don't recall searching the house for Emma's binky (pink blanket) ? Yesterday you said didn't remember looking for it but today you remember asking Stacey, who said it was in the car. Sue - Yes, but...
KC - Did you ask Stacey why she didn't leave the blanket with Emma's body? Sue - Yes, but she didn't answer.
KC - Did Stacey keep granola bars in her purse for Emma? Sue - Yes, that was standard.
KC - Whose idea was it for you to have a conversation with Detective Nava at the station?
Sue - Don't know.
KC - Yesterday you said that you remember Emma playing with Stacey's purse. Did you tell detective Nava that it was unusual for Emma to play with her purse? (no response noted)
KC - (Gets out the letters alleged to be written by Stacey to Witness X and pulls out 4 of them) Sue, is this Stacey's writing? Sue - Yes KC - (shows Sue exhibit 1e, an envelope from the pack with butterflies drawn on it.) Wasn't that on Emma's Binky? Sue - Yes, there were butterflies on Emma's Binky.
KC - No more questions.
Cross Examination - Sue Barker
RD - Mr. Dager greets Sue Barker....How are you? Sue - Fine. RD - You never wanted to talk to me before? Sue - No RD -Do you want to now? Sue - Yes.
RD - Stacey attended Quartz Hill High school, and handed Sue some papers to look at. Sue - These two pages I have never seen. The third page I have seen. RD - When did you see this? Sue - Sometime near graduation. RD - What does it say? Sue - Academics RD - What does it say? Sue - 3.5 RD - Say the whole number. Sue - 3.055 (Tori noted that Dager seemed pretty pleased with himself after Sue read all the digits. DOH! That makes her GPA 3.1 not 3.5 !)
RD - Did Stacey have any history of street fights? KC - Objection, speculation. JZ - Rephrase. RD - have you seen her come home with any bumps, cuts, or bruises? Sue - No. RD - How many physical fights have you seen her have with her brothers? Sue - Once in her whole life.
RD - When did Stacey move back home? Sue - When she found out she was pregnant at age 23. She moved out when she was 18. At 18 she had her own apartment. RD - How many jobs did she have to work to afford her own apartment? Sue - Two. RD - Kind of hard to work two jobs when pregnant?
Sue - Yes, because she couldn't keep the pizza job. RD - Did she go to college? Sue - No. RD - Why? Sue - Because she worked two jobs , she didn't have time.
RD - Has she always been emotionless? She never cried before Emma died? Sue - No, she has only cried 10 times in her whole life. she was never an emotional person.
RD - So, are you an alcoholic? Sue - Yes. RD - Did you drink daily before Emma died? Sue - No, just a couple days a week. RD - Did you drink Jose Quervo tequila? Sue - Yes, shots of Jose Quervo. RD - Were you taking depression medication at the same time? Sue - Yes. RD - Pills and alcohol? Sue - Yes.
RD - Did you know that could kill you ? Sue - No. RD - You've been sober 13 days? Sue - Yes.
RD - When did Stacey move back home? Sue - Immediately when she found out she was pregnant.
RD - How long was that? Sue - She was a month or two.
RD - What if anything did Stacey tell you about Anthony? (Emma's Dad) Sue - Nothing. RD - How many times did you see Anthony at the house? Sue - Once at her house. RD - Did you ask he3r why she didn't live with him? Sue - No. RD - What did you say to Stacey about Anthony? Sue - That he didn't seem to be concerned about being a dad.
RD - How many bedrooms are there in your home? Sue - Four, one room was an office that we turned into a bedroom for Emma when she was about 3 months. RD - So where did Emma sleep the first 3 months?
Sue - In Stacey's room. RD - Who suggested changing the office into a room for Emma? Sue - I did.
Court broke for lunch here and returned at 1:30 pm.
RD - What was the daycare when Stacey went back to work? Sue - Emma went to daycare for one day.
RD - Why only one day? Sue - Because I went to daycare to pick up Emma and it wasn't good, she wasn't being cared for as she should have been. RD - What was Stacey's demeanor when you told her about the conditions at daycare? Sue - She cried. RD - Why did she cry? Because her daughter wasn't being cared for? Sue - Yes, I suggested going back on nights so that Emma could be cared for in the day without daycare. Nick cared for Emma during the day until I could get back on nights. That took about a month, I cared for Emma from 4 to 18 months. Stacey started out working an eight hour shift, the eight am to five pm. Stacey asked to go in earlier and earlier so I could sleep.
RD - You went to see Stacey at Linwood (Detention center) once and called her only once. Why? Sue - I wasn't happy with Stacey. RD - Do you want to see her now? Sue - Yes. RD - Did anyone tell you what to say? Sue - No. (◔_◔)
(Tori made a note before this question was even asked, that it did appear that Sue had been coached compared to her testimony yesterday.)
RD - These are defense exhibits, pictures A-G. Who is in the pictures and what is she wearing?
Sue - Emma. RD - Who bought the dress she is wearing? Sue - I did. RD - Dager showed Sue photos B-G and each picture asked, "Who bought this dress she is wearing?" Sue - Each time asked, Sue responded, "I did".
(Tori notes that yesterday Sue testified she bought all the toys for Emma and Stacey bought her clothes....guess one or the other response is false. She also noted some jurors looked back in their notes after this round of Q&A. )
RD - This receipt is defense exhibit (#?), it's a Target receipt dated March 17, 2009. Junior - ears are purchased, is that familiar? Sue - Yes. Stacey bought it. RD - What is it? Sue - 2 pairs shorts, 2 shirts, sandals and tennis shoes. RD - Where did the receipt come from? Sue - I gave it to the defense investigator. I found it on top of Emma's dresser.
RD - This next item is is defense exhibit H, a Baby Blender Cookbook. Why did Stacey have this book?
Sue - because she didn't want Emma to have processed food. Stacey herself ate healthy after she became pregnant. RD - Did she use these recipes? Sue - Yes, she made them and froze them for Emma. RD - Do you recognize this book? Sue - Yes, it was in Emma's room too and I gave it to the investigator. RD - You did? Sue - Well...Gary did. (Sue's husband, Stacey's dad) RD - So she blended meat and vegetables and fruit? Sue - Yes, to freeze for future use.
RD - Did Stacey tell you she was going out for St. Patricks ? Sue - no, she didn't say.
RD - When was the last you saw Stacey and Emma? Sue - On March 18, when Stacey came home from work. RD - At 3:15, did you argue? Sue - Yes. RD - How long did it last? Sue - 5 minutes. RD - Was there screaming? RD - Stacey was screaming she couldn't make anyone happy. I told her she needed to come home on time so I could rest.
RD - When did you find out what happened? Sue - On March 18 at 11 pm, I got a call at work from Gary to tell me what happened. Gary picked me up from work and we went to the Park n Ride on Avenue S.
RD - Who was there? Sue - Stacey, Nick and Brendon. We stayed a few minutes. RD - Why only a few minutes? Sue - Stacey was being loaded into the ambulance so we went to the ER. RD - Did you leave the hospital and go to the Palmdale Sheriff station? Sue - Yeah, that was morning March 19.
RD - Any law enforcement contact you? Sue - No, we spent several hours at the Sheriff's station and then went home. At some point Detectives Nava and McCarthy and told us they had found Emma. We had a half hour conversation with them. RD - Did they ask for any suggestions of potential suspects? Sue - Yes. Do you think Brendon Borrelli could be a suspect? Nava asked that, and do we think Brendon and Stacey could have conspired to get rid of Emma?
Sue - On March 20, LE took us ( Gary and Sue) to the Sheriff's station because they needed to question us. I sat in the lobby until Detective Nava joined me and said she wanted to speak to me alone. We only had 3 conversations in all. RD - Were you recorded? Sue - I didn't know we were recorded.
Sue - On March 20, LE took us ( Gary and Sue) to the Sheriff's station because they needed to question us. I sat in the lobby until Detective Nava joined me and said she wanted to speak to me alone. We only had 3 conversations in all. RD - Were you recorded? Sue - I didn't know we were being recorded. RD - During that conversation did Detective Nava tell you something? Sue - Yes, she said pink fibers were found in Emma's throat. RD - How did that make you feel? Sue - I was devastated. RD - Did you know that Det. Nava was lying and no fibers were found? Sue - No. RD - Is that why you were mad at Stacey? Sue - Yes, after a half hour conversation Stacey went to live at Larry Barker's home. ( Gary's Dad ) RD - That was an interrogation technique. Detective Nava didn't have fibers. Sue - No, I didn't know. RD - How did Nava know the blanket was pink? Sue - I don't know. RD - You didn't know she was lying at that time?Sue - No.
RD - What do you know about a drinking game? Was there drinking going on during the mourning period?
Sue - Yes. RD - Was there a party? Sue - Not a party the night before but people were coming in and out.
RD - When you had dinner were all of Nick's friends there? Sue - Yes, that's when we played beer pong.
JZ - Can you explain what beer pong is? Sue - Beer cups are set up on a ping pong table like bowling pins, each person bounces a ping pong ball trying to get it in a cup, those who make it drink the beer. RD - Did Stacey play? Sue - Stacey only played 45 minutes, at my request. I was trying to cheer her up. She was quiet the whole time.
RD - How did you feel when you found out Detective Nava lied to you? Sue - Mad. JZ - Strike that, that's for the jury to decide what is the truth. RD - How they dealt with grief. (WTH, this is what we meant about questions jumping around.)
Cross Done - Re-direct Starts
KC - Why did you only visit Stacey once at Linwood? Sue - I was hurt. KC - Why, Did you think Stacey killed Emma? Sue - I did, yes. KC - So, when after 3/19 did you have a lot to drink? Had you drank alot when you were interviewed by Detective Nava? Sue - No, after. KC - Did you tell Detective Nava you knew Stacey was guilty and say I want you to prove it? Sue - Yes.
KC - You said you didn't go to the doctor with Stacey when she was pregnant? Sue - Yes, I didn't go with her. KC - But Anthony did go to the Stacey's doctor appointments when she was pregnant? Sue - Yes
KC - I thought he had no interest in being a dad? Sue - I don't know.
KC - When did Stacey start dating again after Emma's birth? Sue - 3 months, she had 2 or 3 boyfriends before she met Brendon.
KC - Did Stacey have any significant injuries when growing up? Sue - One. She hurt her shoulder in gymnastic, but she didn't cry.
KC - So you drank daily before Emma died? Sue - uuhh....yeah. KC - What? Sue - Shots of Jose Quervo, 4 to 5 shots in the evening a couple days a week. KC - How much do you weigh? Sue - 195 lbs.
KC - Do you know Colleen B.? (Colleen is Anthony's mom.) Sue - I met her after Emma's birth.
KC - How long ? Sue - 4 or 5 months. KC - Her daughter? Sue - One time, only.
KC - Defense exhibit H, the baby food book, Is this is the book that Stacey used? Are you sure ?
Sue - Yes. KC - This book doesn't look as though it's been opened much, pages stick together. Sue - I don't know, but she did use it. KC - Hmmm...nothing spilled on it, no pages pressed down, doesn't seem to want to open to any one area...like it's been used. Sue - I don't know. KC - Huh (Not said as a question but rather an opinion aka mild equivalent of BS.)
The pictures here are not what are part of the defense exhibit but may be close in age to the ones the jury are seeing.
KC - The photos, defense exhibit A-G, what ages are they? Sue - (went through pictures) This is 3 months, this is Stacey with Emma at 3 months, this is 3 months, this is Emma newborn. KC - She looks awfully good for newborn? Sue - C- section, picture C is between 3 and 6 months. D is Thanksgiving, uhh...about 2 1/2 months. JZ - Who cooked it? Sue - I did. Emma had a bib that said 1st Thanksgiving.
Judge Zackey is such a nice guy, but this is Kelly's direct and she has a job to do, sooo.....
KC - You made several statements to detectives, each statement to Detective Nava was after she had died, had Emma had an Autopsy yet? Sue - No. KC - What were you told? Sue -Not for 3 weeks. KC - So the day you spoke to Nava, you knew Emma didn't have an autopsy. Sue -No. KC - The 1st day you talked with Nava, the autopsy wasn't done, and you made the statement that Stacey killed Emma, you knew no autopsy, no fibers. When you said Brendon might have helped was before the pink fibers were mentioned or you should have known Nava was lying.
(Tori notes here that Kelly Cromer is on fire today!)
KC - Did Stacey ever shed a tear for Emma? Sue - No. KC - Remorse or regrets? Sue - No.
KC - Why was Stacey going to Long Beach? You told Nava she had plenty of money. Did you say you thought she killed Emma in Palmdale and was going to Long beach to pin it on Anthony? Sue - Yes. KC - How many times had Stacey taken Emma to Long Beach? Sue - None. KC - Stacey herself to Long beach? Sue - When she was pregnant she spent a weekend with Anthony in Long beach.
KC - What was the one major injury that Stacey had growing up? Sue - she dislocated her shoulder during gymnastics. KC - She didn't cry? Sue - No, but had to heal, it took a couple weeks to heal.
KC - Defense exhibit I, is the Target receipt. You said this was new clothes, how do you know they are new? Sue - I saw them, tags still on them. KC - What are ears? Sue - I don't know. KC -I thought you saw the stuff, what was it? Sue - 2 shorts, 2 shirts, sandals and tennies. KC - The receipt time is 5:10 pm from Target in Lancaster.
(Tori noted that takes at least 15 minutes to go from that Target to Barkers and Sue had to leave at 5:30.....either the times don't add up or someone else was watching Emma.)
Re cross examination
RD - She had this blender book. Tori notes as Dager holds the book he is flipping through the pages and bending the binding. Sue - yes, she used it. RD - I JUST DONT LIKE MISS CROMER SAYING THERE WAS NO FLOUR....RD is standing right behind Kelly Cromer as he screamed this. KC - Objection! Personal Attack...and screaming in my ears! JZ - Mr. Dager.... RD - Just because there isn't any flour or food on this doesn't mean it wasn't used! As Dager said this he was manipulating the book and threw it down on his table and picked up a few times to the extent our friends thought he might be trying to age that book a little...just saying. Re-cross done. Brendon Borrelli is told to stand by before re-direct.
JZ - Want to ask more? (asks KC) KC - no, but I'm thinking. JZ - You can have her recalled. KC - My next witness won't be short so I want to change the witness order. JZ - OK.
Detective John Hoyt is called to the stand. Hoyt says he is employed with the LA County Sheriff Department assault and crime unit. He is dressed in a uniform.
Direct examination - Detective John Hoyt
KC - Did you go to the crime scene? What did you see? Hoyt - A silver Mazda parked with all 4 doors open. Both front seats were in a reclining position....reclined all the way back. KC - Did anyone move them? Hoyt - Protocol doesn't allow moving anything. KC - What is this? Hoyt - An adults brown sandal and a child's tennis shoe with a red and white bottom.
KC - Did you stay with the car? Hoyt - No, I went to the hospital to talk to SB.I asked her what happened and she didn't know but thought she was knocked out at the city park. (Lancaster) KC - What did she say to you? Hoyt - Her eye hurt, the back of her head and her ribs hurt. KC - Did she ask about the baby? Hoyt - No KC - What did you notice about her? Hoyt - Clean feet, hands and fingernails. KC - In this informal interview not once asked about Emma. (More of a statement than a question.) Direct exam finished.
Cross examination - Detective John Hoyt
RD - If you are a detective, why are you wearing a Sheriff's deputy uniform? Hoyt - With budget cuts we dress for the street. RD - Did you stay with the car? Hoyt - No. RD - Did you touch the car? Hoyt - No
RD - When did you get called? Hoyt - About 11:40 pm. RD - What were you doing when called? Hoyt - Trying to sleep. RD - Got there about Midnight? Who was there? Hoyt - The Crime Scene Unit was there. RD - How do you know no one else touched the car? Hoyt - That's not protocol, so I doubt it.
Cross Examination was finished and the day is over. JZ - instructed the jury to be in the jury room by 10:30 am tomorrow and he will try to have them up here by 10:45. ( Day 3, tomorrow is, Friday, April 29)
There is a detail that I hadn't mentioned yet. On the first day of trial Tori had noted an attractive young woman with short (pixie cut) with blond over black hair, that she didn't know, speaking with one of Stacey Barker's grandfathers. After speaking with him for a few moments she moved away to her own seat and took notes. We discussed her that night and concluded she may be a cousin or friend.
Today the same young woman was in court but this time she had a woman with her. After a few moments Tori realized the woman with her was Anthony's mother. Later on a break Tori and the young woman spoke and we learn the young woman is Susan, Anthony's sister and the other woman is indeed Anthony's mother, Colleen B.
Susan asked Tori...are you guys the bloggers? Tori, replied , yes...I suppose you hate us too. (It seems as though Stacey Barker's family blame every vile thing that has been said about Stacey out on the web on us.) Susan said, no...we love you guys, extended family and friends are able to follow the case through our blogging. Susan and Colleen did ask us not to use their last names and we agreed. Tori assured them we have been following this case for Emma and are here for Emma .
The reason I bring up Colleen and Susan at all is because "reportedly" Gary Barker pointed Colleen out to Dager who said he has been trying to contact her. Dager wants Colleen added to the witness list and tells Judge Zackey that. Kelly Cromer said she would like to talk to her as well. Evidently, Kelly added Colleen to the state's witness list because she will be the first witness on the stand tomorrow for day 3.
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Hi, Kat! Great job on typing up the coverage. Thanks to T and the others for attending trial. Is Matt Barker siding with Gary & Stacey? Is that why Sue had a memory lapse when he walked into the court room?
ReplyDeleteHi KF! Nice job. So Sue was also declared a hostile witness... I wonder if Sue could have taken the stand and been completely honest, if she would begin to heal from this horrendous nightmare. Anger is such a damaging emotion to hold on to - the only way to move on, is to let go.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that Sue has had to hold in her emotions this whole time. I truly feel for her and I hope she develops some peace in her heart. She deserves it and so does her memory of her precious Emma.
Coworker - Hi! I believe we have heard that Matt wants nothing to do with this mess. Not sure if that would put him on SB's side or just make him neutral - my gut feeling is that regardless of what was going on in the Barker home before little Emma was murdered, they have been irrevocably damaged and no one has walked away unscathed.
Great Kat, you are amazing!
ReplyDeleteLC and Co worker,
Thank you, No I don't think Matt is on her side, he had a discussion with Nick and said he did not believe her story either, but he may not want to say anything because of his dad.
My feeling during the Memory lapse when Matt was there was because she didn't want GB to find out what she was really saying on the stand, she is so scared that she will lose him for her thoughts...
I am putting some of day 7 in the comments today as I did the other days...
The Cell phone pings were explaned by Nick Cannis, forensic cell Investigator for LASD(I think that is his title) the Cell tower picked her phone up near LAX at a little past 5pm and did not pick up the next ping until 9pm still near LAX...Nothing in between there..this is what has me puzzled what happened in W. LA for the 3 some odd hours she had no other tower pings on her phone? NC said that sometimes that when a person is going a HIGH rate of Speed, the closest tower will pick up that call, so if she was driving fast somewhere else during that time period maybe another Carrier's (Verizon,Metro PCS,Sprint ect) towers could have picked up her ping...then it would not show up on her phone records. when she was confronted with the phone record and had lied about where she had been, she led LE to Emma's body
ReplyDeleteYesterday was a VERY hard day in terms of emotions for us! The Coroners investigator, Denise Bertone, is on the stand, the overhead is not working so the Jurors have to be shown 8x10 pic's (20 in all) of Emma at the dump (eeekkk, sorry ladies) site. DB walks by the Jury with the pic held up and tells them what each pic is of. she is VERY good, she seems like she is a teacher, teaching a class, she tries to be as detailed as she can be so they understand the full Investigation (not only with the pic's but with every question on the stand also) the first 5 pictures are the one's we saw at opening from KC.
The next pictures are the area, the fence, the bushes then come the Hard ones, they are close ups of Emma's face....1 or 2 is of some redness on the cheeks with LINER patterns inside the redness, one is of her mouth, Jaw stuck in full rigor, next is one of mouth open after DB had to break rigor to get it open, it shows pinkish white watery froth running down side of face. next is froth on mouth and cheek and on tongue, next is the liner marks again but closer up, another is close up of her lips and gums, they are purple and blue, this was so close the gap in Emma's front teeth could be seen...next is the photo of the blood in and around the nose and a dried drop above the lip, next is a pic of her eye pulled open to show no petecia (sp?) that is the red pin point spots in the eyes of some victims of death, next is pictures of her socks the next pictures are of her doing the external exam of Emma on her trunk (coroners car). she is showing that Emma is in a position that her arm is raised and hand is lifted, hips bent and knees raised, there are a few of these ones.
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ReplyDeleteThis was sooooo hard, we were sitting next to AH'S Mother and Sister, I don't know if they want their names said so I will leave it as Mom and Sister until I am told I can address them by name...we were all crying, we can see some of the Jury is also weeping, SO what does this twit SB do? she starts some silent water works!!!! REALLY, RD asks Johnny for some tissues...from where she is sitting she cannot see the pictures, DB is with her back to SB and showing the Jury the pictures, at no time can SB view the pic's (unless RD has the same pic's at the table and we don't know it) we can see every picture because we are sitting at the end of the aisle by the last Juror....this is the first time she has tried to show any emotion in the last 2 years I feel it was not real, that she just did it because some of the Jury showed sadness at the pictures and she as the Mother had to show them some emotion, if they only knew that she had not cried in court any other time in 2 friggen years would they think she was putting on a show for them? so I guess this makes the 12th time in her life that she has cried....
ReplyDeleteDB explains the Froth and how it did not come out of her mouth until after DB broke rigor in her Jaw and moved her head to the center position (her chin was resting on her shoulder), she said that the froth is lung fluid..I will not go on with this, Kat is doing the day by day right now so this will come out later.
RD tries to get her to say that SB could not have killed Emma because there is no Petecia present in her eyes, DB said children are different and that most of the time no matter how they die do not get petecia, she has seen that many times in her investigations.
RD asks her if she was told the story at the scene? she said "some" we need to know some things in order to know what to look for, but I don't think I was told the whole story. He then asks her if she listened to Det Marsh and direct her Investigation towards what HE wanted her to say? She said NO, I direct my Investigation towards what I SEE and not on what Det's want sir! RD did this case disturb you? Well, yes, anytime I have to Investigate a dead child it disturbs me sir. RD more so then an adult death? yes, In an adult case the lifestyle has contributed to their death, a child has not contributed to their own death! RD are you disturbed now? yes after I file the case and it is closed I get disturbed, but as I am doing the Investigation I form no feelings about what has happened to the child. Told you she was GOOD! there is alot more from her but that will be in the trial update later by Kat.
Next is Dr. Ribe.
He will say that he had 4 signs that she was smothered, not choking on baggie.
1) Froth (lung fluid) in mouth 2) Swelling of the Brain, this shows a slow death. 3) Blood dark, almost black unclotted and watery 4) Blood in nose and around the nose.
He said it would not take any force to smother a child as their nose is still mostly tissue and could be compressed, cutting off air supply without leaving any signs of doing this. he goes on but that will be discussed later...he has a long testimony but I will give you this...
Hello co-worker, LCM, and tori,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Tori had a chance to come and answer that about Matt....this family is in a terrible position.
I will get this post up over at nowPublic later today so you can put your summary of day 7 up there too T. Your notes are fantastic girl you must have bear total recall.
The sun is shining in the Midwest so I'm heading outside. Talk to you all soon!
Dang Tori, I hope I didn't mess up...I thought first names were ok for Anthony's sister and Mom. I certainly don't want to add to their pain. Let me know if I need to change that.
ReplyDeleteDo you need me to try to do something with your 12:51 post? I assume that should have been after the 12:52 post....not sure if I can move the actual post. I can delete though. Let me know on this too. :)
No Kat, they did not say we could not use their first names, just not the last...I am sure it will be fine for them but I will ask...yes if you can delete that May 6, 2011 12:51 PM comment, could you? I have no Idea how it got where it got...I think the next post about half way down said the same thing...weird...LOL.. I think the defense has like 5 wit's on the list and State has about 3 or 4 more to go...so this should wrap up by the end of next week...fingers crossed!
ReplyDeletewill call ya later...Big Hugs T
tori a said...
ReplyDeleteDr. Ribe (Reebee)cont....
When RD questions him, he asks why he did not say anything about the blood in the nose earlier? he said he did not see the blood that is why, RD tells him KC told you right? yes. so RD goes into "haven't you changed your COD in other cases" KC objects, Judge Z sites the SALAZAR case and tells RD that Ribe only changes the time of death not the cause in that case, this one he has not changed the cause of death either, he has only added one more sign of Suffocation. so Dager did not win this one, he has not discredited Dr. Ribe.
RD is speaking to Dr. Ribe in the hall outside the courtroom, when we get back from lunch we hear that someone has said something, it is thought that it was something mean being said to Dr. Ribe....we wait until after Dr.Ribe is dismissed and JZ said we finished early, the Jury can go with the exception of Alt #3, yes you in the blue.
The Jury leaves and JZ starts to ask her if she had tried to contact RD in the hall? she answers JZ before he is finished asking the question...I know I am sorry I was on the phone with my daughter and was thinking I had a question to ask him and before I knew it I just blurted out to him...JZ said what were you going to ask him? she said she didn't remember, yet it had just happened mins ago....sure! he pressed for the Question but she did not say, she just said she knew it was wrong and she was sorry, JZ said the jury had been admonished not to talk to witnesses, council or anyone else and she broke that rule and they will talk to her later, wait outside, as she was leaving she half turned as if to leave her notebook, RD was looking at her and she just walked away, JZ saw this and told her she needed to leave her book on the chair! she put it back....they talked after she left and Dager said it was no big deal and he would keep her, JZ said what do you think Kelly? she said I WANT HER GONE! they discussed if she was just being scatter brained or was it a real attempt to speak to RD..RD thinks it is scatter brained as she did forget to leave the notebook, Kelly still wants her gone! JZ is going to look up Jury conduct and let us know today if she stays or goes.
Witness X will be on the stand next week ya'all! yeaaaaahhhhh, can't wait! talk to you later T
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
ReplyDeletesounds like SB has a decent defense attorney. Is their anyone from the media taking photos of the trial?
Anon - Mr Dager is very passionate in defending the perp. But decent? Eh, not so much!
ReplyDeleteTo my knowledge only the AV Press has covered the trial - but some of us have been trying to get media there all week - with emails to CNN, Fox, CBS, NBC and ABC, also the LA Times. The only replies I've received were automatically generated...
Katfish, thank you for an excellent article!
ReplyDeleteTori, thank you for your informative comments. You and your friends are doing an excellent job of covering this trial. I feel as though I am there.
I really do appreciate the articles by Katfish and the comments. As I said before, if it was not for all of you, I would know nothing about the testimony of this trial.
It seems as though this case will wrap up next week.
I do not know California law. If Stacey is found guilty, will the Punishment Phase (may not be called that in Ca.) start immediately or the next day?
I hope Stacey is found guilty and she gets the maximum sentence allowed by California law!
~ ~ ~ Justice for precious Emma! ~ ~ ~
Anon 5/6 @ 4:42,
ReplyDeleteI think Roberto Dager is giving Stacey Barker a very vigorous defense....she and her family seem happy with him.
I think Tori mentioned something about a still photographer from Times Warner in the courtroom. If you see any pictures from the trial please let me know. TIA
Hi LCM! With the Casey Anthony trial starting Monday and In Session already covering the James Ray Sweat lodge trial, oh yeah and the Conrad Murray (MJ's killer Dr.)trial that was supposed to have started this week there is no chance they even considered this one :( It would be great if one of the local stations would have streamed it, although Dager would have fought that tooth and nail!
ReplyDeleteHi Ann, I posted this just seconds after you were here last night....tried to holler,"Hey Ann, come back, ya just missed it." LOL
ReplyDeleteI e-mailed Val, ty for letting me know, I haven't had time to make the rounds. Working on day 3 tonight.
I'm not sure about how soon the sentencing phase takes place after a conviction in CA. I made a note to self if out doing some research (for stuff that occurred day 5 or 6) to look that up too. If anyone knows...please share :)
ReplyDeleteI had made a mistake, the Juror was Alt #4 not #3.. and she was dismissed yesterday, seems she has been in JZ'S court not long ago...Her husband Violated a Protection Order and was stalking her, JZ said he had to put him in Prison and she had other things on her life which made her lose focus on things, and he needed full focus on this case. JZ said thank you for your service, you are dismissed from this case, you take some time to take care of the things going on in your life ok...have a good weekend. He was very nice to her...RD said when JZ dismissed her, against my objections...JZ said RD we do not know how she would have voted had we needed to use her, she could be on either side but I don't think we are going to need her...Just before that someone had told the Bailiff that a couple of Jury members were talking about the case in the hall...she thought...so RD said this can be a cause for a Mistrial...JZ said That is premature, RD said we have 4 potential Jurist that may need to go home....lack of Jury is cause for Mistrial...JZ said, it is only 1 Jury member and 3 Alt's that might need to leave, we will find out if there is anything to the report as the Jury member was no sure what the ladies were discussing.
turned out they were not talking about the case but about their children. so no cause for Mistrial Mr.Dager (that was me not JZ)...LOL
Hi, Katfish!
ReplyDeleteJust checking in! I saw your comment
up-thread. I'm looking forward to the next article.
Just a reminder . . . if you are available tomorrow, Simon Barrett will have a radio show tomorrow (Sunday) per the Blog Talk Radio schedule.
It is 3 p.m. CDT/4 p.m. EDT.
We missed you on Chat last week. Hope to see you there!
Hey KF - I wasn't even thinking about live stream (although that would have been nice!) Just thinking these news outlets that reported Emma missing would like to do some follow up... Oh well they keep hearing from me anyway!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI wonder if anyone in LE followed up with Target on those "Jr ears" - just thinking about the baby "atmeal" I bought there one day - possibly the "ears" were actually "Pears", the "atmeal" was "oatmeal". So much for fresh baby food!!
Thanks so much for sharing this, Katfish. Also, thank you to all the folks who are contributing.
ReplyDeleteSuch a heartbreaking story. It sounds like all of Emma's surviving relatives are in such pain, (except her mom.)
I hope the problems with the jury memebers settle out.
I'll keep checking in--I'm wondering how this will all turn out.
Hi Girls,
ReplyDeleteDet. Del Hauer (not sure if one word or 2) a Expert in crime reconstruction was on the stand.
He is a very well Spoken, Educated, Experianced and Detailed...he has a Impressive backround in MANY areas...
He showed Photos of Det.Nava reaching back to put her hand over a dummys mouth and the way SB said she did it, from the front seat and she could not even touch the face, Nava and SB have a 1' difference in the arm length (Nava's longer)...
He discussed Cell phone records, gave his view on how she smothered Emma with one hand behind her head and one on her face.
He handed RD his ass on more then one occation. I think he did a good job...
There is more to this then I can write down here but when something comes out in court after another investigation is finished I will let it be known.
Det. Nava is on the stand today and I am getting ready for court now so I will be back later! T
Thanks for the update, Toria!
ReplyDeletetori a said...
ReplyDeleteHey Ann,
That is where SB and BB said they were going when they said they were going to leave town and change their names....she has a Aunt in TX, RD said that she was just going to move there because of all the distention that was going on in the family towards her....yeah right!! lol T
So I am watching Nancy Grace last night and was stunned at how much CA and SB look alike...they like to play with their hair and have that same smug look on their face...wow these two could be the same person!
ReplyDeleteScary thought that there were two of them running around - dumping their responsibilities on family, having casual sex, wanting a man (any man) in their life - willing to do anything for that man and when the man didn't want a kiddo, they just disposed of their own child in a way we wouldn't find acceptable for an unwanted puppy or even a goldfish.
ReplyDeleteJust despicable.
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteWe hear the interview tape with Mc Carthy and Nava today, her story does change over and over again, she is trying to make it work and it is just not....
Nava keeps at her telling her things like Stacey, you say you would run to Emma if she fell, skinned her knee, bumped her head or any time she got hurt, then why didn't you call 911, pull the baggie out of her mouth or pull over when you noticed that she was slumped over and had a baggie hanging out of her mouth?
you just drive another 45 mins while she is not breathing, help me understand that...SB said she is scared and does not know what to do at that point...
She said she pulled over and took the baggie out of EB'S mouth and checked her heart and breath and she had no signs of life....so she started back to AV, pulls off at the Denny's offramp in Sylmar and places Emma in the lot, Kisses her on the forehead and leaves!!!!!!
Nava presses on with why would a baby take a empty baggie from a purse and put it in her mouth? it was not a coin, a rock or anything she would think was a candy or food so why would she put the baggie in her mouth? or did you put the baggie in her mouth? NO I didn't, I wouldn't hurt my baby, she saved my life....I was in a downward spiral before I got pregnant with her, she saved me....
Nava said what really happened? she goes on to say that she was playing Peek a Boo with the blanket throwing it over Emma's head, she didn't know the baggie is in her mouth...she does not hear anything from her for a few mins and looks back takes the blanket off and knows she is dead...panic
Next she said that she was playing PAB with the Baggie....wth? pressing it on her face and taking it away.
Next, she said she was playing PAB with the blanket and she didn't know Emma had the baggie, she must have put it in her mouth and SB didn't know it was there, she puts her hands LIGHTLY over Emma's nose and mouth, while the blanket is on her face and only holds her hand there for like 2 to 3 mins, with NO pressure...(sure) SB is doing all this from the front seat while she is DRIVING... she said that Emma is trying to take her hands off her face and grabbing at her hands forcefully and scratching her but she only thought Emma was playing rough with her, she has played rough with SB before, when she took the blanket off she knew she was dead.....
Nava said Stacey that is only 80 % of the story, you are heading to 100% and that is what we want is the truth, not 50% not 80% not 90% we want the truth....you seem to almost get there then you go back to the 80% but now you are heading towards 40% please just tell us what happened, if it was a mistake and you did it tell us but tell us the truth of how it happened and get it off your chest, people make mistakes.
That tape ends....people know some of what SB is saying is true but as Nava we know it is not the whole truth....
Kat said "Kelly should take a kitchen timer during Closing statements and show the Jury Just how long 2 or 3 min really is"
Today on the stand is going to be BB'S Mgr from Texas Cattle Co and the PNR security officer.........wonder what they are going to testify to for the State? HMMMM....BB tries to come in court today and JZ sees him sitting there and points towards the door so BB leaves.
I can almost smell the fear BB has, Like I said before if he knows anything he should try to make a deal with the DA and tell all, I would not put it past this girl to turn on him, especially after she heard that he had some HOOK UPS while she is in Jail. she was not happy about that her face showed it!
Anyway I will talk to you all later! T
Hello Everyone! Yes, I am still around, here and there. I'm sorry I haven't kept up my end of the bargain as far as reporting the in depth trial coverage that we had planned for and started out with.
ReplyDeleteThankfully, Tori has been writing the daily summaries in the comments. I want to be sure you know I have NOT turned my back on this case. I still talk to Tori on a daily basis and will have some posts forthcoming that encompass Tori's daily summaries, things taken from our phone call notes, and legal research to explain some of the things that have been referred to in court....unfortunately I just can't do the in depth Q&A coverage....Hopefully I can find a happy medium. :)
I'm also still attending pre-trial hearings in the Nicholas Sheley case and trying to keep up with the Anthony case. Who would have thought the 3 cases I have been following so closely for the last 2-3 years would come to trial so close in time. geesh! Most likely until the Barker case is over, I won't be writing about the Anthony case but I do need to write about Sheley as well as I attended a hearing yesterday and "BOMBSHELL", at the last hearing the court decided he can represent himself in his 1st degree murder trial, and formerly capital murder case.
Thank you so much Tori for doing these updates!
Discussing the similarities between Stacey Marie Barker and the Casey Marie Anthony....I don't want to go so far as to say Stacey is a copycat of Casey, related to the deaths of their daughters, the "stories" they both made up after the deaths of their daughters that have already been proven to be lies. I wrote a long statement about this yesterday and had another poof...I admit this poof was my fault.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do find extremely compelling is the similarities in their upbringings, family dynamics, and lifestyles. As many of these similarities as are becoming apparent as the Barker case unfolds makes me think maybe these 2 can be studied in an effort to know why these poor children were killed and perhaps prevent future babies the same fate.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I love Chicago! I would be happy to try and answer your questions. A few things first....
I am not an expert (not even close) so you might want to check and be sure that my opinions would meet your requirements. I'm just an average citizen with an avid interest in our criminal justice system and trials.
Do you need my opinion on unfair sentencing just as it applies to IL or just in general? Different states do have different statutes and sentencing guidelines. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of unfair sentencing is mandatory sentences and secondly truth in sentencing....10 years usually means five. I can expand on this when I know more specifically.
If you find that my opinions would meet the requirements, you can e-mail me through my profile page with the questions you would ask if you were interviewing me in person and I will try to answer. I am removing your e-mail from your comment but I will keep it.
If I had known at your age that the criminal justice system was so interesting, I probably would have sought a career in the legal field or maybe even journalism. Instead I majored in Marketing.Very different field. :)
Hello Katfish,
ReplyDeleteWell my name is Olivia Dominguez and I ran into your blogs while I was doing some research. The purpose of my comment, which I would deeply appreciate if you responded, is that I would like to know your opinion about unfair sentencing. I have to do a research paper at school but one of the requirements is to interview an expert on my topic. I chose to write my paper on how the Prison system works and to be more specific I wanted to focus on unfair sentencing. Im a high school student in Chicago, Illinois who is getting ready to write this paper on the prison system. This topic fascinates me and I want to learn more about it. Im asking if you could please help me out and answer a few questions required for my whole research process. I am required to interview a person but you can definitely email me your answers back. Im hoping that you could please respond back to me so I know if you are willing to help me. These are a few questions that would be deeply appreciated if answered. I would also ask if you could please share with me your opinion about insufficent and exaggerated sentences put upon certain people. Once again this information would be used for a school paper here in Chicago so your help would be so very much appreciated and it would be my honor to quote you in my paper.
Guerita, In order to remove your e-mail in the message I had to delete and resubmit.
ReplyDeleteMrs.Borrelli(BB'S Mom) was telling BB and Gary B what was being done and said in the courtroom last week and someone told Det.Nava about it.so from what I hear she is being watched.
I think she is concerned for her son and now knows what a ho SB is and told him so...She has been in court for the last couple of days, if it was my son that was mixed up with this LYING conniving chick, I would be there too to see if she is going to try to blame any of it on him!
She and her Attorney have tried to drag everyone through the mud using the blame game so far,so why not BB too....anyone she can use to take the spotlight off of herself she will use!
I was shocked as many are that she would sit there and let RD say rude and hurtful things to her Mother...I am sure when her Dad gets on the stand she will not let him trash him the way he did Sue and Nick...
Today John Doe (wit X) was on the stand and I felt he did a GOOD job..he gave RD all the answer's that RD did not want...LOL
JD said that SB told him that BB "OWED HER ONE" that "SHE WOULD BE OUT WITH HIM RIGHT NOW IF HE HAD JUST STUCK TO THE STORY but he is out having a good time, watching football and hanging out while I am stuck in here"
JD said she told him she was pissed at BB now...
They play a tape of a phone call from the Jail from SB to her parents..on this tape she is telling her parents that "SHE IS SCREWED" over and over again because they (Nava & Mc Carthy) had taken measurements of her and someone was going to see if she could have even been playing PAB like she said, well the seat is not in the position for her stature.....she is scared shitless on this tape.....she said the driver seat was farther back because she moved it to look for something that night.....
ReplyDeleteThe security officer from PNR said "the silver Mazda pulled in with no headlights on and a MALE was driving, she saw the light to a cell phone come on and 10 mins later a Maroon or Red car came in and the guy driving the Mazda left with that person, 20 Mins later a blue car pulls in and the male driving the Mazda earlier and another man get out and then a flurry of LE pull into the PNR behind them...so someone was driving SB'S car and had to move the seat to drive because they are taller then SB and needed more room to drive!!!! she is worried about the measurements because if they measure BB will the seat fit him???
There is much more to this story then is coming out right now, I feel we will see another hearing very soon where much much more will be told...JD has a lot to say, he said more at the last hearing then he did today....I think they will call him as a wit in that case!!!
I think the people have already seen the true side of SB and for the ones that didn't attend court to her what she told LE on Tape that happened you are in for a rude awakening....she is a liar, self centered, a spoiled brat and in RD'S own words of what a RAT is she is a Rat too..
He tells JD that a Rat (in jail) is someone that would do anything, say anything or use anyone to survive or get what they want! JD said "WOW" I didn't know that...really! truly a jail rat is someone that rats you out, meaning tells on you when you have told them something that can hurt you or get you more time.....I have never heard RD'S version of rat...LOL
Monday Det. Nava is on the stand then State will rest and RD will call his wits and JZ thinks this will be done by Wed.....
JZ is stressed by everything in this case he even said he needed a break from discussion of it so he would talk about it another time...you could see at times how frustrated he was getting.
Anyway, you all have a good weekend and I will see you on Mon....T
Oh yeah one other thought.. Thanks LC everyone got their pins and wore them proud today!
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you for this quote also, as all her wits are going to say what a Great Mother she was next week on the stand.....
Sure, she was a great Mother until that day she did what she did.....She really messed up!
Yep LC I still remember you saying that at her gravesite that day! it was good and stuck with me.... Hugs T
Hi, ToriA!
ReplyDeleteI've been stopping by and checking for updates.
Thank you so much for the updated info. Stacey reminds me of Casey Anthony.
This is a very interesting case. I wonder what horse and pony show RD will put on next week.
At any time during the State presenting their case, did they show any recent pictures of Emma prior to the day that her life ended?
I know the pics of Emma at the location where she was tossed and the autopsy pics were shown to the jury (if I remember reading this info correctly in previous comments).
ToriA, once again if it were not for you and your friends attending Stacey's trial, no one except those present at trial, would know the details of this case!
Special thanks to all of you for supporting justice for precious little Emma! ♥
Thank you Ann
ReplyDeleteThey only showed some of Anthony and her and some of the youngest Uncle and her at a Birthday party I think...but none of the Cute ones that are shown on the web, I think Dager said something or maybe made a Motion to have them excluded by the state....
I know he has some that he is going to show.
I think it is like 26 pictures and you can be sure that they are going to be the CUTE ones.. where she matches from head to toe.
I don't know if that will help her or hurt her after what the Jury had heard.....
Oh yeah, her and CA are alot alike..when I heard on Nancy Grace that CA had said "she was my miracle baby" oh shoot, that is what this one said.....well her PD said she had a medical problem that she was told she would never have children...yet she got preg with EB, Miracle!
You know that her bestie said on one of these sites that she use to stick up for CA and thought people were being to hard on her and mean, that she felt sorry for her and that they should just leave her alone!!!!
Maybe she can get CA'S Inmate Number and write to her, they have a lot in common...
SB also said that EB saved her life, because she was in a downward spiral from doing things that she should not have been doing when she got preggers she stopped (Drugs??)so Emma saved her life, too bad she could not do the same for Emma!
Her photo's will forever be in my mind, I am sure they will be in the mind of the Jurors also as they saw them up close and had a far better frontal view then we did...
JZ thinks this will be over by WED I hope so but the way RD lags it might be Thur or Fri...
Talk to you all later...T
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for responding. Well first off dont worry your responses dont have to be as if im asking the president, after all they are your own opinions.
First things first, i sent you an email like you said but i get an error message back so im hoping you could email me and ill reply from there.
The big question here is How can we reform our prison system? so i have to talk about different aspects of how it works as in the different cases different guidelines.
(This is basically the main idea of what im working on to answer once im done with my researching.)
i want to focus my paper more on the illinois system and compare it at the end with how the nations system is structured.
once again thank you for your help, very much appreciated. if you can email me i would like to send you my sources to see what you think.
i look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hi Everyone,
ReplyDeleteSorry I did not have a chance to come here yesterday....I was Exhausted...I was even falling asleep in court.
Det.Nava was good she was not on the stand for that long and just went over the same stuff as the other Det's did, nothing new came out in her testimony, although they spent time again talking about BB, the times, the calls, the way he knew where she was when she didn't even know where she was for sure....
They played the 911 tapes from NB and SB, Nick is on there telling the dispatcher that his sister was abducted and someone has her daughter, he said she told BB that she was in a park and ride somewhere, BB is heard in the background (not real clear what he is saying but he does say something about Fin and Feather) the dispatch is asking questions and then they ask for SB'S phone number....DO NOT call her we are calling her now...
SB 911 tape, HELLO,
Hello this is 911 we got a call that something has happened
SB crying, I am hurting...
Disp: where are you?
SB I don't know a park and ride I think... Disp: you are at a park and ride?
SB I think so..I am by a lake. Disp: do you see the Freeway? SB yes.. Disp: where is Lancaster, to the north or south of you?
SB behind me...
Disp: behind you? ok then you are at the one on ave S, someone will be there shortly, can you turn on your lights?
SB no I don't have keys.
Disp: doesn't your emergency flashers work without keys? you need to turn them on so we can find you. Disp: what happened, SB crying...I am hurting, I have a big bump on my head, some hit me on the head at the park, crying, they took my baby.
You hear the sirens in the background and BB or Nick is there telling her are you OK sweetheart (sounds like BB), SB..I am hurting, the Dispatch is saying OK, they are there to help you now and the line disconnects.
ReplyDeleteWOW, I was amazed, anyone listening could tell the crying was so fake, BB told NB she was frantic...she sounded to me like she was sleeping and had just woke up and this crying was soooo rehearsed and fake it made me Ill.
She only mentioned Emma was missing once to the Dispatcher, she did not sound like a woman who's only child was abducted and was worried about what was happening to her daughter at the hands of a stranger, she seemed more concerned about the pain she was in and the bump on her head! it was all about HER!!
The Pink Blanket came up again, Det. Nava said she DID NOT TELL SUE anything about a pink fiber being found in EB'S throat or lungs (autopsy had not been done yet), some of us feel Sue said that to find out what SB did with the Blanket or to see if SB would tell another story if she heard that pink fiber story....
I feel that SB might have thrown out the Blanket because if it had blood on it from Emma's nose how would she explain that to anyone? so maybe there was no Baggie, Just the blanket and that is what she threw out the window.
There is some reason that the blanket cannot be found, It was not in the car as she said and what was the reason she did not leave Emma's favorite binkey with Emma in the bushes, if she kissed her good bye on the forehead and loved her enough to do that why didn't she love her enough to leave Emma her BINKEY?...the blood on it would prove that she held it over her nose and mouth hard enough to give Emma a nose bleed....Poor Baby....
GB gets on the stand and praises her for being a good Mom, taking care of herself during pregnancy, how hard of labor she was in that resulted in a C Section, how she read books and prepared baby food. how she and Emma were both his Princesses, how they fixed the office for Emma's room and just a bunch of gushy crap about SB....all the while, SB is nodding at what he is saying, she has a smile on her face, way different then the looks she had for her Mom and Brother when they were on the stand! his sappy testimony bored me to sleep! Really...
RD asks about Sue's drinking, he said that Sue use to have a couple shots of Tequila after work 2 or 3 times a week with a diet Coke, asked if she had a drinking problem all her life GB Say's NO, she didn't start drinking heavy until this happened with Emma..shoots the shit out of RD'S claim that SB grew up with Sue as a controlling Alcoholic...
As we walk in from lunch, KC has a home video playing that shows SB with Emma on her shoulders, the jury is not in the room yet, SB is not even smiling or crying at seeing this video or Emma, I want to see what she is going to do when they play it in front of the Jury, is she going to put on a sad face and cry fake tears to show she has emotions???? if she does that will just piss me off as I saw her show no emotion when the Jury was not in the room!
KC gets GB today, knowing her it is not going to be pretty...
Today on the stand will be GB, Larry B, Amber B and Jennifer G...
The Judge said that the case should be wrapped up by today and he will give the Jury instructions.....can't wait to see if SB will take the stand....
I will be back later....T
Hi Kat,
ReplyDeleteHere is a update for yesterday.
Yeah, yesterday was boring as hell...GB back on stand but as KC questioned him his demeanor changed, she was not even that tough on him, I have seen her in action and she could have been a lot worse....
He said that he never said that he was going to leave Sue if she said things against SB, yet, NB and Sue both said on the stand that GB would get angry if anyone talked about SB in front of him, He said he loves his wife Very much and what happened did not do anything to their marriage......that is not what we heard under oath!
Asked if SB had told him and Sue, "here take her (EB) I don't want her anymore" what would they have said ? he said he would have been dissapointed in SB but they would have taken EB!
Asked by KC if he was told that he was being recorded? he said NO. KC shows him the recording device that looks like a cell phone and asks could this have been on the table when you were being interviewed? he said well I don't know could have been I don't know I was so much in shock.
RD asks why were you in shock? he said "I just found out my DAUGHTER DIED" everyone looked at each other and he thought about what he said and then said I mean my Granddaughter...RD said was she (EB) your Princess? he said she was my Princess and more!
KC asked about the blender book, he said that SB was very careful with all her stuff and liked to be neat and orginized, she took good care of all her things. she asked if EB ate Hamburgers and stuff like that...he said yes.
This means that she did not always eat healthy...Hamburgers and Fries...and Jr. lunchables are NOT healthy..Processed Meat, Processed Cheese and salty crackers...so she didn't always eat Blender Foods!
KC has something from AV hospital that came in the mail to JZ, she is going to talk about it today, it concerns EB we heard what was said but can't say what it is as it has not been said in open court yet...
KC asks about BB coming over at night after EB was asleep, he tells her that BB only came over once or twice a week...KC said so if BB testified on the stand it was more like 4 to 5 times a week, he would have been lying? GB said well No I guess not, I guess I wasn't aware of it....KC asks are you a sound sleeper? he said yes she asks what time do you go to bed if you get up at 3am for work? he said he is asleep by 8pm.
ReplyDeleteKC asks about what time he comes home from work he said sometimes 3pm(40% of the time) sometimes between 4-9pm (60% of the time) he had testified that he was always at home when SB got home from work....KC said if you get home at that time how did you see SB come in from work? he said because I was there..KC said aaahh what time does SB get off of work? he said 4:30 or 5pm...KC said what if I said it was 2:30pm she got off work, could you have been there to see her? he said I guess not...
KC asked about the Beer Pong game, GB said that he had played for about 45 Mins...he had already drank 7 beers before he started playing...he sent BB to get SB from her room to play so she could cheer up...she loosened up after she played a few games...
KC asked about his sister in TX, he said she worked for a Law office and was in school to become a Para-Legal. although they have family in other states this is the one who made the offer for SB to stay with her.
KC why did SB move out of your home? he said because Sue had ATTACKED SB in her bed and he had to pull Sue off of SB so she went to live with Larry B...(this was 3 weeks after EB'S death) I wonder what Sue was saying to SB while she was attacking her? could it have been the same thing she said to her in the Coroner's office?
GB said that they found out that EB was dead by the Internet.....that they had waited at the Sheriff office for SB for hours and they told them that SB was in a Interview, hours later after GB and Sue had got home Det's came and told them that SB had led officers to EB'S body they were mad because they took SB to Sylmar with out him.....
When Det's told them Emma was dead and SB led them to the body, KC asked GB if Sue's first words were how did she die and She killed her didn't she! he said Yes, but she was in shock, we were trying to Process everything...we couldn't believe it...
Like I said they were showing a home video of Emma, SB and GB playing, now they are in front of the Jury, some of the Jurors are crying, so what does SB do???? CRY! earlier when the Jury was not in the room and RD was setting up the Video, it showed EB on her shoulders being bounced, laughing.....she did not do ANYTHING when she watched it....oh but the Jury is in and she now starts crying....yeah give me a break! I wonder if the Jury saw this would they think different of her?
I don't know but seems like RD said he could not find the 2 other wits for SB and I have not seen AB or JG in the hall yet so I don't know if they will even testify..we will find out today.
JZ said if things go right today, he will give the Jury Instructions and hear closing....I hope so! I will come back later and let you know, if I remember anything else I will add it later also...T
Hi T, thanks so much for the update. Can't wait to hear about the stuff sent to JZ from the AV hospital....I realize it may not be that big a deal, but it's intriguing.
ReplyDeleteAbout the home video...I remember you saying when it was shown out of the jury's presence that SB showed no emotional response. There is no way to know for sure, but this crossed my mind....was she crying (for the 12th time in her life ....insert eyes rolling)so she would look sympathetic to the jury? Or was she crying when she saw the juror's crying, because she perceives that may not bode well for her case? If I was moved to tears watching that video it would be because it is so sad to see Emma so happy knowing what her fate eventually was. I suppose their tears could be the result of seeing SB and EB having so much fun given what she is accused of.... no doubt I could never be on this jury....I am not objective after following this case for the last 2 years. Nope, I think SB killed little Emma. I think it was done in a fit of rage, not really a premeditated act. There seems to be so much more to this case involving BB that hasn't come out yet, I can't help but wonder if those facts would change my opinion in some way. IDK....if they can prove he was involved I wish they would have charged him then tried to get him to turn on SB.....
HI Kat,
ReplyDeleteI think she was crying to win points with the Jury...everything that has been said and shown in this case shows me she is GUILTY OF MURDERING that poor little Angel...***tears***
Here is today's update:
Trial should have been over today but STACEY BARKER WENT ON THE STAND!!!!
RD said that he strongly advised her against doing so but she made the choice and did....in my opinion she made a BIG MISTAKE...
SB was all peaches and cream with RD, even crying at times, not a convincing cry either, telling him things like If the guy didn't accept Emma then he didn't accept her and he was history that Emma came first! they were a package deal...that she was easy to manipulate and she cared for her daughter more then anything...yada yada yada. when asked by RD if she KILLED her daughter before she left Lancaster, she said "I DID NOT KILL MY DAUGHTER", she went over the same stuff as everyone else did about the baby showers, fixing the room for EB and the other stuff...asked why she was going to LB she said that she was afraid her Mom was on the verge of Kicking her out again... Her Mom didn't like her going out and not being with EB but her Dad was OK with it...Her and her Mom didn't agree on many things.
OH NO its KELLY'S turn..KC was not as hard on her as she could have been but the Questions that she asked made SB mad at times and her Snotty Attitude shot out like a bullet, The Jury saw a different side of MIZZ Barker...the one she tried so hard to hide in front of them sitting next to RD and while being questioned by him...
KC asks her why she didn't pull off at the nearest exit when she saw EB BLUE and PURPLE why she drove another 35 to 40 Mins? she said that she wasn't thinking...why didn't you call 911 or use the call box or pull to the shoulder and call for help? she was in shock and didn't know what to do, so she got off at the Cherry exit and drove until she found some place to pull over then got into the back seat of the car to check EB, she put her hand over her face to see if she had breath, she was blue and purple and cold to the touch she knew she was dead...so what did you do then ? I got back into the car....(I GOT BACK INTO THE CAR?) did she mean she started to drive back to the AV? that was a strange thing to say I got back into the car.... KC said what did you do for the 3 1/2 hours that you were by LAX...she said she couldn't recall....KC said you know nothing about a disposable cell phone? NO, this is the first time I have heard that term...she asks SB what is in the area where she threw Emma, SB said 3 homes...(in a panic, how can someone know that there is only 3 homes across the street, in the dark at that) and that she stayed there saying goodbye to Emma for a little while....(her Cell phone shows she lied she was gone within a min). KC said you kept up the lie you made up till the very end right? yes! you lied to everyone right? Yes. you lied up until the time they confronted you with your cell phone records right? Yes. so then YOU are NOT easy to manipulate...
ReplyDeleteKC got her to say that BB said that he wished the LE had believed her first story and she would not be in Jail... KC said OH, when you put EB in the bushes you said you took her out of the car and cradled her and dumped her in the bush, she said in a smart ass way, I PLACED HER there...PLACED! KC said how did you cradle a Emma when she was STIFF in STAGE 4 RIGOR??? (SMART AGAIN) SHE WAS NOT STIFF..so then the evidence lies? YES, KC just looked at her and she yelled..."WERE YOU THERE, WERE YOU THERE" with a smart face, That set off some OOOOHHHSSS and Noises from the Gallery and a few from the Jurors...Me and Tiff looked at each other with mouths agape and eyes wide....did she just yell at KC? Judge Z said he didn't hear anything but if the Jury did to pay no attention to it, that anyone making noises will be asked to leave the court that this is a serious case....he didn't know it was from the Jury also I guess...even they were amazed at her attitude.....a few of them could be seen shaking their heads.There were a lot more question and attitude but nothing notable...one thing that I did notice was that each time RD brought up Anthony, the Jury was not pleased about it, it seems to us they are sick of hearing RD trash Anthony, KC made it clear that Anthony had to take the Metro to some of her Dr. appts and Ultra sounds because he had Financial trouble and no car but he did make it and carries one of the ultrasound pictures in his wallet. she also asked SB if SHE changed her phone number a month before EB was due so he could not get ahold of her to see when she was going to the hospital or anything else that was going on with the Pregnancy? she said Yes. KC said why? she said because she was mad at him! asked if she changed her phone number a lot to keep Anthony from contact when she was mad at him she said Yes.
KC asked if Anthony attended the Baby Shower at her house she said NO he wanted to but he didn't. KC said why is that? she said they were fighting and she told him she didn't want him there to ruin the day! KC did you also uninvite his Mother? yes! KC did you also send Christmas gifts that his family sent to Emma back to them? she said Yes....the first Christmas but she was allowed to keep the Second Christmas's gifts from them....
ReplyDeleteShe also said that she was quiet and when she was mad and fighting with her boyfriends she was not loud or violent...
OH this was funny....Kelly asked her how many beers she had for St Pat's Day and she said One...Kelly said why do you say you have a hangover on a text to someone the next day, how do you get a hangover from one beer? she said I'M A LIGHTWEIGHT...KC said, you are 120 and one beer gives you a hangover? she said she was lighter then, like 110 or 115 so yeah she got a hangover from ONE beer, KC pressed her so it is your sworn testimony under oath that you got a hangover from that one beer? YES!!...yeah right, I know the Jury didn't buy that one!
Asked what she did at 60th when she watched the lights or what ever you did for 30 mins??? she said nothing just looked at the lights! Not buying that one either....she said she didn't remember having sex with BB that night or morning....KC said you remember everything else but you can't remember having sex? she said I don't recall...she wanted to know how many times she texted BB in a day more then 20, 30 or more? SB said several, I don't know I didn't count. KC said well could it have been 10 or 20 maybe? she said I don't know. KC well could it have been 30 or more? she said "I DID NOT KEEP COUNT AND I WILL NOT TELL YOU A SPECIFIC NUMBER" (SMART ASSED AGAIN) JZ said well can you say it was more then 20? she said yeah..yes!
KC asked what time she got home from her ST Pat's night out and she said 4am that she went home and went to sleep for 2 hours or so and then got up and dressed for work and then went to BB house and slept until 1pm... KC said well, if you slept at home for 2 hrs and you were suppose to be at work at 5:30am were you already late for work? she said close to it...remember BB said on the stand that she stayed at HIS house until 4 and HE took her to her house to get dressed for work and she went back to his house at 5am....someone is lying!
The end was a recording of Det Nava and Mc Carthy with the Barkers at their home, the one where GB said that Nava and Mc Carthy were Cold and Accusatory to them....well they sound concerned to me and not cold but helpful in trying to answer the questions they have about Emma's Death.
Tomorrow Nava will be on the stand then all sides will rest and the Jury will be given Instructions and sent to deliberate.....
ReplyDeleteJust wondering how are things going. Havent heard from you in acouple of days. Hope everything is going well.
ReplyDelete@ Guerita...check your e-mail. Please let me know if what I sent will suffice. If you need clarification on anything let me know. I forgot to ask...When is your assignment due?
ReplyDeleteHEY ALL.
GUILTY 1ST DEGREE MURDER........................
GUILTY CHILD ABUSE...........................
GUILTY CHILD ABUSE W GBI.........................