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Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Superior Courthouse |
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Judge Hayden Zackey |
The murder trial for Stacey Barker, 26 got under way on Wednesday April 27, 2011 in Lancaster, CA at the Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse, with Superior Court Judge Hayden Zackey presiding. ( Tori reports Judge Zackey seems to be a very pleasant man...and I think he's pretty easy to look at as well!)
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Stacey and Emma Barker |
After selecting from a jury pool of over 80 venires,12 jurors and 3 alternates were finally selected on Tuesday. Tori said the jury consists of mostly women, 7 women and 5 men with 3 women alternates. They appear to range in age from 30 to 50 and a sidenote: 1 of the women juror is pregnant. We will update you more about the jury, this first day a LOT is going on. None our friends who have been attending the pre-trial hearings were able to attend the voir dire so we're not able to tell you what type of occupations the jurors have or much about them. Tori did mention that some are dressed nicely and more than she expected came dressed super casually...jeans and t-shirts.
Court started at 10:30 am without the jury present so that Deputy District Attorney S. Kelly Cromer (KC) and Deputy Public Defender Roberto F. Dager (RD) could present their arguments to the court on several outstanding motions. One of the motions argued was over Witness X and the Massiah Motion to exclude his testimony. The defense would still like to have him declared a government agent. Judge Zackey ruled recently that X can testify to any conversations he had with Stacey Barker before he contacted the sheriff's department with an offer to assist them in this case. Zackey stopped short of ruling on the entire Massiah motion at that hearing because Kelly Cromer told the court she will only use X's testimony about the independent conversations with Barker and the letters Barker wrote to X herself (24 letters over a one month period of time!). Roberto Dager wants to use Witness X's prior criminal history at trial, the extensive amount of time he has spent incarcerated and what his convictions are (A couple Robbery and a burglary) . Dager also calls X a liar and a thief.
( A side note: Witness X commented on an earlier post at katfish ponders through a third party in response to some comments made by members of the Barker family.)
A Defense Motion to Exclude was argued as well. This motion asked the court to prohibit the state from presenting the evidence found in Stacey Barker's car. We haven't seen the motion but the defense argues it was irrelevant and prejudicial. The state said the evidence should be admitted because there were morning after pills found in Stacey's glove box that show state of mind, that she didn't want kids and the pink baby blanket that Emma kept close and called her "Binky" wasn't found in the car, with Emma's body or in the Barker home. The evidence (and lack there of ) from the car is coming in.
Seated at the table for the state are the Prosecutor, Kelly Cromer and Sheriff Department Homicide Detective Sandra Nava. For those interested in the "full picture" Kelly Cromer is a woman in her early 60's, dressed in a light blue suit, Jacket and skirt. Detective Nava is about 40, she is wearing a maroon colored pant suit. At the defense table Stacey Barker(SB) is wearing a dusty violet colored pants and knit shirt, her attorney, Roberto Dager (early 40's) has on a black suit with a blue shirt. Our friends in court have described Dager as looking like Snidely Whiplash. From Tori's description of the day, it seems Mr. Dager came loaded with "Snidely's"swagger today as well.
Opening arguments were scheduled to begin at 11 am. Things didn't get started on time though, because it was between 11:30 and 12:00 before one of the alternate jurors made it to court. After giving the late juror a severe abmonation about being late and holding up the court, Judge Zackey recessed for lunch.
The State's Opening Statement
Court reconvened from lunch at 1:30 pm. Before beginning opening statements the court announced that anyone who is on the witness list for either side must leave the courtroom until after they are released from testimony by the court. The Barkers were all seated in their "normal seats" although more of the family are present than at the pre-trial hearings. Stacey Barker's parents, Gary and Sue Barker, get up and leave, as does Sue's father. Barker's other three grandparents and an aunt and a brother remain in the courtroom. Brendon Borrelli, Stacey's boyfriend at the time of Emma's death, also leaves the courtroom. Brendon normally sits with the Barker family but today is seated with his mother off to the side in front of our friends in court.
Kelly Cromer rises to begin her opening for the state. ( FYI, Tori noted that for the most part the information in the state's opening is a rehash of the testimony given at the Preliminary hearing, but there are some extra things...so hear we go...) After introducing herself to the jury, Cromer informed the jury that what she or Public Defender Dager say to them in court is not evidence and is not to be viewed as such. She also told the jury not to try and "read anything" into the questions they ask.
Cromer said that what should be considered evidence is witness testimony and the exhibits, it is up to the jury to give the weight to the evidence that they deem appropriate. Roberto Dager objected and said a witness is not evidence. Judge Zackey overruled the objection.
Kelly Cromer began talking to the jury about the state's theory of the case and what they intend to prove....The state will show this "mother", after fighting with her own mother, took her 18 month old daughter Emma and killed her.
Stacey Barker's mother, Sue, changed her work hours to the night shift, 6pm to 2:30 am, so she could take care of Emma from 5:30 am to 2:30 pm, while Stacey worked. The arrangement seemed to work out at first, but things began to change with Stacey wanting to spend her time on the party scene after she began dating Brendon Borrelli in December 2008....just 4 months before Emma died. Stacey and Brendon did know each other before that from high school.
Evidence will show that on March 17, 2011 Stacey and Brendon celebrated St. Patrick's Day drinking at Coaches late into the night. Stacey didn't arrive home until 2:30 am but she still got up and dressed as if going to work for her 5:30 am shift. Stacey actually spent the day hanging out at Brendon's and they went out for lunch. Later in the day Stacey returned home like she had worked. When Stacey got home from "work" on March 18 she was late again, so her mother was mad. Her mother had an appointment and wanted to get some rest before leaving, something Stacey knew, but was late anyway. Thus the argument ensued. Sue Barker told Stacey to make other childcare arrangements and threatened to throw Stacey out of the house. Sue was feeding Emma a "Lunchable" when Stacey got home, so Stacey finished feeding Emma and said she was going to see Anthony for some money. Sue left for her appointment. Stacey then went to her brother Nick's room and told him she was taking Emma to the park. He was the last person besides SB to see Emma alive.
Cromer said phone records will show Stacey was sending text messages to Brendon at work from the time she left home all the way to Sylmar. Cellphone pings show that while she was texting Brandon that she was at the Lancaster City Park with Emma Barker's phone was pinging in LA. Later records show that Stacey called Brendon from the Park n Ride in Palmdale and said she needed him (At this point we haven't been told yet exactly what she said to Brendon but we do know she wanted him to stop and pick up her brother Nick from their home in Quartz Hills). The 911 call came in at 10:50 pm. Nick made the call from the car on the way to the Palmdale Park n Ride.
When law enforcement arrived at the Park n Ride three minutes later, Brendon and Nick were there outside of the car. Stacey was reclined in the front seat of her car, half naked and moaning over and over, "They took my baby". The sheriff's deputy asked Brendon and Nick to cover Stacey, so they both took off their shirts and covered her. She did have bruises on her forehead and ribs so an ambulance was called and an Amber Alert was issued for Emma. Barker reported at the ER that she thought she had been raped, so at 12:19 am the SART, Sexual Assault Response Team examined her and did find bruising injuries in her vaginal area. None of her injuries were serious so Barker was released at 5:30 am on March 19.
At 8am Barker came to the sheriff's department for her first formal interview with detectives. Police records show the interview lasted one-hour forty-seven minutes and 7 seconds. By this time, LE were already noticing some inconsistent statements from SB and had gathered her phone records. From the start of the interview they confronted SB with phone records and said they have other evidence that doesn't line up with her story of being attacked. After being confronted, Barker admitted she hadn't been attacked, she said Emma was chewing on the baggy and choked. SB said she made up the story and hid Emma's body because she was afraid people would think she was a bad mommy. At that point, Detective Nava begged Barker to tell detective Marsh (March?) where she hid Emma's body. Emma's body was found at 9:30 am after Stacey finally told LE where she had hid her daughter off the highway in Sylmar.
At this point Kelly Cromer (KC) began showing some photographs on an overhead projector. The first picture was of a grassy field...the prosecutor pointed out if you look closely you can see Emma's raised leg. The next picture was closer and you could see that both of Emma's legs were raised and bent at the knees. The third picture was even closer and you could clearly see that Emma, dressed in blue shorts and a pink shirt, was in the position as if sitting in a baby car seat with her legs bent and her arms raised in front as if they were resting on the cushioned restraint bar. Cromer said Emma's body wasn't propped like that....that is rigor mortise. (Tori noted the next picture was harsh.) The fourth picture was a close-up of Emma's dirty face with blood in her nose. Cromer said this suggests that SB did something to Emma before she died and told the jury that Emma had triple the normal dose of Benedryl in her system at autopsy as well. The last picture shown to the jury was a shot from the roadway, KC pointed out that where SB left Emma, she couldn't be seen by anyone driving by, adding that Emma was left to be eaten by animals. (UGH!)
(Tori reported that Stacey Barker looked directly at these pictures of Emma with no emotion. Barker's family that were still in the courtroom didn't show any visible emotion either. Were they coached not to show their emotions? It's possible. Back to the rest of the state's opening.....)
My notes show here that Brendon Borrelli told detectives that he didn't want a family, he couldn't afford a family financially and isn't ready emotionally. He said he only met Stacey's parents one time, after Stacey was let out on March 19.
At her next interview with homicide detectives, on March 20, Barker stuck with the first account that she had told the day before, that Emma died accidentally by choking on a baggy that the baby got out of her purse. It seemed that Barker began changing her story to 'fit' what LE was telling her. Another account was that she was playing peek-a-boo with Emma with a plastic baggy. Detective Sandra Nava asked SB, "Why a plastic bag?" SB replied, "Well, it wasn't tight." When told that pink blanket fibers were found in Emma's airway (was this an interrogation tactic or a real finding?), SB changed her story again to say she was playing peek-a-boo with Emma using the baggie and the blanket. SB said she didn't hold that long, she was just entertaining Emma, adding, "I guess that wasn't the best option". After not hearing anything from Emma for two minutes, SB told detectives she looked back and saw the blanket over Emma's face, she knew Emma was dead and panicking took the next exit. Stacey claimed she put her hands over Emma's heart and face for signs of life, but there were none.
Dr. Ribe (Deputy Medical Examiner who conducted the autopsy on Emma) concluded that Emma was asphyxiated but said it took force to cause the nose bleed. Benedryl is often used as a sleeping aid.Was the triple dose of Benedryl a chemical restraint to fighting? There was no baggy or pink blanket found in the car or with Emma when she was found.
Cromer moves on to wrap up her opening statement, that lasted over a half hour. She told the jury they will hear testimony from an inmate referred to in court as Witness X, a 3 strike felon who is covered in tattoos. When X first befriended Stacey Barker he thought she was innocent so he tried to help her. He told her not talk to anyone about her case or put anything in writing. Despite the advice from X, SB started writing him letters, she obsessed about tattoos and her plans to get some too. Her letters became sexually explicit and she was even trying out X's last name. In the 24 letters that SB wrote to X over the course of 1 month, Barker admitted Emma was dead before leaving Palmdale. DDA Cromer ended her opening statement by saying that Stacey Barker asked X to help her come up with a plausible story, adding she has been practicing in her cell for court, but needs help to make the story fit.
The Defense Opening Statement
Roberto Dager began his 20 minute opening statement by telling the jury that after Emma died, his client Stacey Barker did some stupid things, but she had no reason to kill Emma. Emma was basically a miracle baby because Stacey had been told she may not be able to bear children.
Dager actually dares the jury to find someone who will say Stacey Barker was a bad mother. Kelly Cromer rose and said, "objection!" Before she could even get the basis for her objection out, Mr. Dager says, "withdrawn."
Dager said all of the Sheriff Detectives and the District Attorney conspired to pin Emma's death on Stacey Barker. They gathered evidence to make SB look to blame. They used interrogation tactics to get Barker to say what they wanted, leading her....such as, no, this is how it had to happen. You will never hear Stacey say she did it, she is just agreeing with them.
Stacey Barker was a good student, she got all A's and B's in school. Stacey came from a dysfunctional family that looked normal from the outside, but her mother, Sue, is an alcoholic and on depression medicine because she was abused. Sue was a controlling mother, she didn't want Stacey to go out and have fun, she just wanted her to stay home with her baby.
Stacey was dating others besides Brendon, she had dated Mark before Brendon even came along and at the same time she was seeing Brendon she was having a sexual relation ship with Sheriff's Deputy Villa Lobo.
Dager continued, Stacey did make up a cockamamie story, but he has a real problem with detectives Nava, McCarthy and Marsh. They are trying to make the story that Brendon Borelli and Nick Barker helped kill Emma and conspired to cover it up.
Dager told the jury when they see Witness X take the stand, they will see a manipulating snitch who is a liar and a thief. Kelly Cromer says objection and asks for a sidebar. When they return from the sidebar Dager moves on.
Roberto Dager wrapped up his opening statement by telling the jury they will see that Emma was always well dressed, Stacey supplied what her baby needed and cared for her baby...her love. She had no motive to kill her, she just used bad judgement.....
(Dager didn't say what type of abuse Sue allegedly suffered. Tori said she looked at Sue's family when he said this and saw no response.) Sphere: Related Content
Excellent! And well worth the wait! Why does it seem worse that she didn't even leave Emma's blanky? Beotch!
ReplyDeleteBTW the picture of Judge Z does not do him justice - he looks much younger in person! {wink}
Great Kat.
ReplyDeleteLOL yeah, LC that was my first thought to write...JZ is way better looking in person then in this picture....
Here are a couple of corrections Kat...there is only 1 pregnant female, the other is just chubby and the dress she had on made her look pregnant...Sorry.
Emma's blanket was " binkey"
We are not sure if they in fact found pink fibers in Emma's throat or Lungs...Dager said to Sue that Det Nava Lied to her about that part, as it was only a day or 2 after Emma was found and they all knew the Autopsy had not been done yet! he said that it was just a Intergation tactic.
I got to thinking about it and Emma's face in the close up might not have been dirt at all, I think this is where the drawing of a small face with hand marks on the forehead and cheek that KC gave RD and he said he had no Idea what it was comes into play.....I think they were where blood was brought into the tissue before death and after death it shows bruise like purple color because that blood is already in the tissues and does not seep to the lowest part of the body, it stays in the tissues. so the lines on her forehead and cheek and nose is most likely hand prints from holding her face while she was being smothered....UGGGHH sorry guys!
Today the bus broke down and what was to start at 9:30 now is not going to be until 1:30....BB is up today...I will talk to you all later...T
Hahaha you girls! Thanks for the info on Zackey I still want to know if he helps out with housework before I decide if this is a bonified judicial crush :)
ReplyDelete@LCM, I received your "Emma" package today. Thank you so much I got goose bumps. Is the return address on the package your mailing address? I talked to T today, she said she talked to you. Please do whatever is neccessary to protect your health friend!
@T, thanks for the corrections. You know I had down binky in my notes but started thinking for many kids a binky is a pacifier so told myself the blanket must be blinky. It sounds as though Emma's blanket comforted her the same as a pacifier would. I'll keep the thoughts that just came to mind in my head about the "blinky". :(
I wonder did the blanket fibers in Emma's lungs being a "tactic" come out in later testimony with Sue?
I have a feeling there will be things in the first days of the trial that come out through other testimony as being incorrect. It is good to clear them up on the wrong post too. Thanks T!
ReplyDeleteYes RD said "did you think SB did it after you were told about the Pink fibers in the throat"
Sue "yes" RD did you know Det Nava was Lying to you? Sue, NO. RD now that you know the TRUTH do you still think SB murdered her child? Sue, NO
KC..You knew when the Autopsy was going to be done right? Sue, Yes they said in a few days.
KC, well if Det Nava said they found Pink Fibers in her throat or lungs you know that couldn't have been true since the Autopsy had not been done the 1st or 2nd day right? Sue, well, YES...KC did you say these things about your daughter BEFORE the Pink fiber statement? Sue, Yes.. so she knew she had said all the bad things about SB before Autopsy and she was just trying to save her marriage when she "didn't recall" you know that is a true sign of coaching. I don't recall...normal people say I don't remember. Legal persons say "say I don't recall or I believe"
BB'S first half hour deals with when they got together and when did they start having sex stuff like that...some more to this but it has to wait til I call you Kat....Bwhahahaha....LOL
RD now that you know the TRUTH do you still think SB murdered her child? Sue, NO....
ReplyDeleteHow sad. Does she think Emma smothered herself? Gave herself a triple dose of antihistamine? Put herself in those weeds?
If there are pink fibers from the missing blanket in her throat/lungs, does that preclude the use of a baggie? hmmm.
Thanks Kat I won't attempt to drive til I'm feeling better - I am all ready to go though (suitcase is sitting here packed) - so I'm still counting on getting there, just not as soon as I would like to have. (If Jule wasn't taking finals I would have her do the driving - timing is everything - blah!)
Glad to know the package arrived! The address is mine in AZ.
BB was on FB by a few minutes after 4 today!
T are you up to another phone call? LOL!
Hi, Katfish!
ReplyDeleteExcellent article! Thanks to Toria (and whoever else) that are providing info on Stacey Barker's trial. LCoastMom, I appreciate your updates too.
You ladies should get together and write a book about this case. I am serious. I would certainly buy it.
Many thanks and I look forward to the next article by you, Katfish, and the comments by Toria and LCM.
~ ~ ~ Justice for precious Emma! ~ ~ ~
Hi Ann
ReplyDeleteThank you, I have already talked to Kat about a book...I don't know if she wants to because she is still doing the Sheely hearings. see I am not a writer I am just a story teller...LOL. day 4 should be interesting to you..(days 2 and 3 are still to come) I just think day 4 is good...
Yesterday was day 4...After we get to court we are told that the bus broke down and they could not continue this morning so everyone should come back at 1:30 today!
When we come back, Judge Zackey says he is sorry for the delay, "it was Murphy's Law, A perfect Storm and everything else today" I am sorry, lets get started.
BB was called to the stand, KC said Good Afternoon, he said Hi.
KC do you know SB? BB yes. KC said, when did you meet Ms.Barker? he said Dec 31, 2008, he tells her that they met at Coach's Sports Bar, they started talking, dancing, having fun, hanging out and then they shared a New Years Kiss at Midnight (her Myspace said The best New Years kiss I have ever had).
He thought she was nice so he got her Phone number and started calling and texting her. KC wants to know if they had Sex, BB said Yes, KC wants to know how long before they started having Sex? he said it was sometime in Jan 2009, KC said well, was it the first week of Jan or the middle of the month or the end of the month? he said he did not recall...KC keeps pressing him for an answer, because he keeps saying, it was just sometime in January...she said "is that the best you can do" he said yeah, so she asks him OK can we rule out the first week of January? he said sure you can if you want. KC is a little peeved by now because of BB'S attitude.
At some point she tells JZ she wants to have BB declared a HOSTILE witness (I think she said so she could ask him leading Questions) because RD'S many objections were "Leading"
KC goes on to ask him about what kind of relationship they had and he said they hung out and did things together. KC said like go to clubs and bars, Nascar? he said clubs, yes, bars sometimes mostly Coach's, she said is that only a Bar? he said no it's a sports bar and grill. she asks where it is located he tells her off of Ave K and Gaddsen in Lancaster. she asks how long the Nascar event was and he said 1 whole day...so they did not go to Nascar weekend...just the day. BB Yes.
ReplyDeleteKC how many times have you been to the Barker home before Emma's Death? he said a couple of times, has he ever stayed the Night there? he said he did spend the weekend once when her parents were out of town, then KC said would that Saturday and Sunday? BB said no it was a Friday and Saturday. KC, was Emma already in bed and asleep when you got there Friday? BB Yes.
On 2 occations did SB call in sick to work to spend the day with you, asks KC, BB said I don't recall she might have. She did call in on 3/18 and spend the day with you, BB yes, KC and you stayed in bed then went to lunch then she went home as if she had been at work all day right. BB yes. is there any reason that SB would say "you owe me one" he said no not that I know of.
KC starts asking about St. Patrick's day, what did you do? They went to Coach's, did you drink? yes, did SB drink, yes when did you leave? we stayed until around 10pm, I had 1 Beer and SB had 1/2 a Beer...(we have seen on social websites that BB is a BIG Drinker, so 1 beer for the whole night) when they left SB was driving and they went to 60th west and Elizabeth lake road, 60th W is also called Goode Hills Rd, it winds through the hills from Eliz Lake Rd then back down into West Lancaster/Quartz hill, there are Very Few homes in this area I would say 6 custom homes at the most, it is secluded at the peak and over looks the Aquaduct, very private place....well he said they stopped and looked at the lights of the Valley for about 20 mins then went back to his place.
ReplyDeleteKC asks what did you do when you got back to your place? BB said they went back to his room where they laid down on the bed. she asks if they had Sex and he said he does not recall, so you don't know if you had Sex? he said it's possible. (what she might have asked was, did you have Sex while you were in the car on 60th West? to me it is a romantic spot at night, Very dark, a good place for young people to have Sex ) KC then asks, Are you a chronic nail biter? BB said no, I have bitten my nails since I was young...(ok he's a chronic nail biter). she then asks if he ever uses Clippers to trim his nails.. he said No just bite them if they get long. she said are your nails typical today of how they were on 3/17 & 3/18? he said I don't know maybe, I bite them when they start to get long. she asks if he is hygenic with his hands, he says yes, I am always washing my hands because I am a Server, Kelly said your a SURFER??? he said no, I am a SERVER...she said Oh I misheard, everyone laughed..she asked if he could show his hands and nails to the Jury, he starts to hold up his hands and RD Objects, relevance...Kelly asks for a side bar and they go back talk to JZ and come back and KC asks BB to show his hands and nails to the Jury again, he shows them. KC said, did you lacerate the inside of SB'S vagina? BB said I don't know (he looked confused at the question) so then KC said do you know if you scratch the inside of SB'S vagina that night with your fingernails? He said he didn't know, it's possible. KC, what time did SB leave? BB said I drove her to her house in my car at about 4AM, KC was that so she could get dressed like she was going to work for the day and tell NB that she was leaving for work? BB Yes. so she dressed for work and then you went back to your house lounged around, talked about Emma and went to lunch at Pollo Loco? BB yes. then what did SB do? she left for home.
At this point NB walks in, He is a VERY handsome young man even more so with his Marine Uniform on, he stands tall and seem proud to wear this uniform! his girlfriend is with him and she is also very, very pretty and petit.
Judge Z said, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the witness I told you about earlier, we will break testimony from BB so we can get this young man back to Pen, Fla where he is serving our country... I want to Thank you for your service to this country..NB nods in a your welcome way to JZ. NB takes the stand...
I will be back later to fill you in on Nick's testimony...
@ Ann,
ReplyDeleteHi lady!I missed "seeing" you on BTR shows the last 2 weeks. Hope I can make the rounds next week :)Thank you so much for coming by and commenting!
@ Tori,
T, you are indeed a story teller and a good one. I notice as you summarize your day in court there are some details of the day that come through that we didn't get to discussing the on the record testimony.Great read girl and thank you for sharing what you see and hear. Talk to you later.
Hi, Tori!
ReplyDeleteCame by to check the comments for any updates! Wow! Tori, you are indeed a story teller.
You are doing an outstanding job of describing what is going on in the Court Room. You make me feel as though I am there! Toria, I really do appreciate the details you provide.
Also, when Katfish writes her articles, I feel as though I am there. You two need to get together and write a book about this case! If not, get a "ghost" writer.
Thank you, Toria, for the update. Was BB declared a hostile witness? He sure sounds like he is a hostile witness.
If I remember correctly, is NB, Stacey Barker's younger brother? If so, what dis Stacey do when he walked in to testify.
Judge Z sounds like a very likable judge! I know you all said he is easy to look at!
I am looking forward to your updates and I am looking forward to Katfish's next article!
I will be back later today to see if there are any updates. Thanks so much for sharing your info, Toria!
~ ~ ~ Justice for precious Emma Barker! ~ ~ ~
Hi, Katfish!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you are covering the Stacey Barker trial on your site! You and Tori really do need to write a book about this case! I'll be standing in line to buy it!
I have not been available to listen and Live Chat at BTR the past two weeks. Maybe I can make it this week if there is a show.
I missed you at Simon's Show Sunday! It did not get "testy" on the Live Chat as it does on occasion. Every one behaved this past Sunday! lol
I think Denny Griffin (on Simon's guest panel) has a show tonight. It is called Crime Wire. If I am available, I might drop by and chat with the folks there. Have you ever listened to his show? He has some great guests! You might know them!
I need to make my rounds!
By the way, I posted an update on Developing Stories at The Hinky Meter (THM) last night. My comments start: Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:56 pm
Also, I posted a Link to an "In Memory of Emma" video and K Z, a THM member, so kindly posted a few pictures of precious Emma!
Here is a Direct Link to Page 14 which has my most recent comments:
The Hinky Meter by Valhall - Developing Stories
Page 14
Will be back later, Katfish!
You are so welcome Ann...Thanks for your nice words..
ReplyDeleteStacey did not really look at Nick while he was on the stand...yes Nick is her younger brother.
Judge Z is a very fair man with an easy going attitude until you get him mad, he addresses everyone as Sir or Ma'am when they are seated before him, He greets them with a hello or how are you? he praises them if they have done the things they were suppose to do...community service, pay fines, attend drug, alcohol or domestic abuse class as they should...if they did not he still isn't rude he just tells them, it is your fault if you go back to jail, I have given you a chance to do the right thing, so let's start over and do it right this time or I will have to put you in coustody and neither one of want that, Right? He likes to discuss the sports games that were on the night before with Lawyers and people in the court in his down time...he is just a likeable Judge, CUTE TOO...
Nick has said on the stand that SB started seeing Brendon around New years eve 2008, he knew BB because BB'S younger brother Daniel and Nick are friends and maybe he played football in school with BB at some point.
He and BB did not have the kind of relationship of hanging out, texting or calling eachother all the time.
Nick stated when questioned that SB had started spending more and more time with BB and less and less time with Emma and that was a little maddening to him.
SB would start putting EB to bed earlier and earlier so she could go out to see BB while her mother was at work. bedtime started out at 9 or 9:30pm before BB then after she was with BB it ended up at like 7:30 or 8:00 right before EB died. that she would be at home Texting or talking on the phone to BB and was not paying attention to EB, she just let her watch t.v. or play with her toys and that is another thing that bothered NB..
KC asks him about a statement through a phone call to Det.Mc Carthy "why were SB and BB going to move out of town and change their names" RD objected and the matter shifted to something else (I am wondering if that will be taken up today again) NB said that in the weeks before EB died he and SB had become close, she talked to him about BB and EB saying that she thought BB was scared of EB and of being thrown into her life, he was not sure he was going to stay with SB longterm yet and he did not want to get attached to EB. BB told Det's that he was not emotionally or financialy ready for a child.
NB said that on that night he 3/17 he left the house at 7 or so and when he returned SB and EB were not home yet, he thought that was strange that she was out after 10pm with Emma he started calling around to find them because SB was not answering her phone or Texts...I am not sure but I think he said that BB had been texting him through out the night he thought that was strange also. 30 mins after the last text BB was knocking at his door and told him what was going on to jump into the car.....
I have to go to court now so I will be back later....T
ReplyDeleteI am just going to run down day 4 and 5, BB has been questioned, mostly the same thing over and over again...
Ok, we get it! HE did not want to get close to EB because he did not know how far it was going to go with SB....He was a party dude and he told her that, he said "This is who I am and this is what I do, there are some parts of my life I can't change and won't change for you"
They go back over St.Pat's day, what did you and SB do? we went to Coach's KC, where you drank? yes, I had 1 1/2 beer and SB had 1/2 a beer, they left at 10:30(day one) today he said that they left at 12: 30 from Coach's...what did you then? went to 60th W and looked at the lights then went back to my house, what did you do then? we went to my room and laid down to sleep.
We have already heard this so many times it is getting boring, he takes her to her home at 4AM she dresses for work, she left and went back to BB'S house, they spend the day together, go to lunch, discuss things about EB, Finances and about how she did on the Sheriff's test she had taken in the prior week....
This had just come out that she had studied and taken the the test to become a LASD Deputy.
Do you think that because Mike/Mario (the LASD Deputy) and her were having "Hook ups" while she was seeing BB? MV did pay attention to EB at gatherings at the Barker home, at the Baseball field, although he did not want a relationship with SB just sex, maybe SB thought if she was a Sheriff too MV would want to start a Dating relationship instead of a "Booty Call" and she would let BB go for MV. (these are MY thoughts only)
BB said that he has had "hook up's" since SB went to Jail but did not start any new relationships....he has seen her in Jail, talked to her on the phone and I think (this is me talking here) I get confused because one time BB say's they are casual, then he calls her his girlfriend then it is back to it was not a big thing yet....well SB did not look to happy about that, that he had hook ups....JZ asks what is a hook up? BB said, kissing and having sex..so you have not started any new relationships? BB no! how long a period between your last girlfriend and SB? BB: I would say about 2 to 3 years. KC why so long? I didn't find anyone that I liked until SB.
RD asks him if he had said that he Texted her 50 to 75 times a day? he said he did so RD tells him IT WAS YOU that was obsessed with SB not her with you Right? he said no, it was a new relationship, I liked her and I don't like to TALK on the phone so I texted.
ReplyDeleteNext on the stand is the SART forensic Nurse...OMG they show pictures (on giant overhead viewer) about 3 views of SB'S Vagina Inside, pulled open to show the scratches on labia minora, she had 3 scratches, they show 1 of the outter lips with a scratch on it. then they show a picture of her Anus nothing on the outside, then it is a picture of it pulled apart and with some blue dye on the scratches to make them show up better...she does have a couple inside her Anus. the rest of the pictures are of her well manicured hands and feet, some of her ribs (no brusing).. I will let Kat tell what went on from here in her update... but I just want to say that SB must have wanted to DIE of shame with her Grandparents and everyone in the room seeing her Private parts in magna vision!
Next Witness was a forensic cell phone Det., Nick Cannis..he said he got the Emergency cell phone records to track where she had been and so forth, he went through a list of times and calls and what cell tower they pinged off of. she was past Palmdale at 4:18pm that day, she continued down the 14 pinging out the path to somewhere near LAX.
During this drive she gets a text from someone and SB answers the text with...."LOL, Exausted and hung over, called in sick today"...
I want to know how someone gets a hang over after 1/2 a beer????? BB did not say they went back to his place and drank....he said they laid down to go to sleep! someone has been caught in a LIE.....
Also there are no pings for almost 4 hours while she was near LAX at 5:22pm, the next ping is at 9:09pm and she is still near LAX.. where did she go, what did she do for the time of no pings on her phone?
She speeds back here to the PNR and makes up the story.....
I will be back later to fill you in on more gotta go now...T
Continue reading at NowPublic.com: Stacey Barker Murder Trial Day One - Openings And First Witness | NowPublic News Coverage http://my.nowpublic.com/culture/stacey-barker-murder-trial-day-one-openings-and-first-witness#ixzz1LUZI2O1y
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your wonderful blog. I'm sure SB will get what she is due.
Billie Burns
Hi Billie! Thanks for stopping by. Stacey Barker will be sentenced on June 17 for her 1st degree murder conviction, child abuse causing death and child abuse...life would be ideal but at a minimum I hope it's something that puts her past the age of ability to conceive another child....she blew her chance at parenthood..
ReplyDeleteI was at the sentencing today and the Judge made the comment about her if / ever getting out of prison that she would be too old to bear anymore children. It was a very emotional morning.
ReplyDeleteanon 6/17, I heard it was quite a day in court...from what I have heard, Judge Zackey really laid out his feelings about SB's action to her at sentencing....not that it seemed to phase her.